SR3 at the Ring



Original Poster:

118 posts

266 months

Saturday 19th April 2003
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Spotted last weekend at the Nürburgring: a Radical SR3! It certainly looked the business. Wasn't that fast, mind you. We overtook it quite easily (three-up in an Impreza)...

Just kidding... We did overtake it, but he was obviously taking it easy. Apparently, someone took an SR3 round in well under 8 minutes. Yikes!
Personally, I can't imagine driving something as extreme as that round the Ring. No wonder they banned it from competing. Has anyone over here been there?



7,592 posts

292 months

Tuesday 22nd April 2003
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One of the mags took an SR3 round the Ring a few months ago, posting something like a 7 min 35 or so in traffic. At the time they vowed to return as they felt the car has a sub 7 min lap in it! Think it was Phil Harrison driving.


468 posts

275 months

Friday 25th April 2003
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Original Poster:

118 posts

266 months

Sunday 27th April 2003
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That's the same car we spotted (and overtook )

The owner told me they had to go wide through a corner like Carussel. The car was too low to take the tight line.

It does look stunning on a track like that!