Off to SPA



Original Poster:

2,300 posts

284 months

Wednesday 16th April 2003
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Just leaving to catch the ferry for france and then the journey down to belgium for the 2nd round of the Radical Championship at the awesome "Spa", hope the weather here stays fine for you all here, and I hope to bring back some more silverware for the mantlepeice.




Original Poster:

2,300 posts

284 months

Tuesday 22nd April 2003
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Not a bad weekends racing for us this time, 2 races, each one an hour duration and we managed to qualify 4th in class (all 4 of us covered by 0.013secs)
Finished 2nd in the first race and 4th in the second race, which now after totalling the scores puts us 2nd in the championship. Roll on snetterton !!!


7,592 posts

292 months

Wednesday 23rd April 2003
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Noticed the results on the Radical website, well done Tony!

So you're at Snetterton next! Jay Shepherd will be there in an SR3 - he managed a quick practice in mine on Monday (1 min 12 with 2 up and no changes to factory suspension settings/ride height). As a passenger, it was awesome. I was going much slower, and braking too early - but learning fast!