Stack dash



Original Poster:

1,906 posts

292 months

Wednesday 9th April 2003
quotequote all
Does anyone here have one fitted, or even fitted one themselves? I need an odometer for a limited mileage road insurance policy, so could potentially kill two birds with one stone.


nigel greensall

75 posts

263 months

Thursday 10th April 2003
quotequote all
Hi Danny

The guy to call is TurboTim he looks after the data logging on most of the cars i race and all the RSR Racing Radicals and can help with pi and stack.His number is 07808484844.

Let me know how you get on.



7,592 posts

292 months

Thursday 10th April 2003
quotequote all

Apolgies about Bruntingthorpe ... when are we going to meet up?

My car is now in my garage!


Original Poster:

1,906 posts

292 months

Thursday 10th April 2003
quotequote all
Thanks Nigel. So a lot of the cars have the standard system replaced anyway?


nigel greensall

75 posts

263 months

Saturday 12th April 2003
quotequote all
Hi Both

Give me a call and we'll sort out our dates !

For the Radical race series you need to run a pi system,otherwise other systems suit other uses.

Talk soon


nigel greensall

75 posts

263 months

Saturday 12th April 2003
quotequote all
Hi Both

Give me a call and we'll sort out our dates !

For the Radical race series you need to run a pi system,otherwise other systems suit other uses.

Talk soon
