Waterproof cover ?

Waterproof cover ?



Original Poster:

225 posts

266 months

Monday 24th March 2003
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Do any of you know whether a waterproof cover is available that would fit an SR3. This needs to be strong enough to use with the car on an open trailer.


1,906 posts

292 months

Monday 24th March 2003
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Over the tonneau cover that Radical provide as an option? Not sure, but would be interested to know!



7,592 posts

292 months

Monday 24th March 2003
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Wouldn't a cover be more expensive than retro fitting the tonneau though? They're usually pricey aren't they? Esp one that would stay secure on the car when its being towed?


11,822 posts

292 months

Monday 24th March 2003
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I'd avoid using a cover when the car's on a trailer. In my experience they do more harm than good when you're on the move as they trap road grime underneath and then rub it into the GRP. Very messy

Unless you just want it for use whilst stationary? In that case, Halfords do some reasonable ones (the silver jobs) that would fit well enough.


7,592 posts

292 months

Monday 24th March 2003
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Hey Stig, how can I get a pic of my SR3 to come up beneath my name like wot you've done? And without becoming an official of the PH empire?
PS. Nice looking GTR by the way


Original Poster:

225 posts

266 months

Monday 24th March 2003
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I know that the proper cockpit cover would be much better as a retrofit. However, I think the car looks much better without all those poppers! Just wondered what the options might be.


1,906 posts

292 months

Monday 24th March 2003
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Stig - don't tell me you found out about the scratched GRP from your Ultima???