Technique for driving a car with downforce

Technique for driving a car with downforce



Original Poster:

46 posts

275 months

Thursday 20th February 2003
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I have never driven a car with downforce before. I am assuming there are some specific techniques. Does anyone have any insights?


293 posts

269 months

Thursday 20th February 2003
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Hold on tight... :-)


154 posts

270 months

Thursday 20th February 2003
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drive too fast fall off the track
drive too slow fall off the track

simple huh?..


1,409 posts

265 months

Friday 21st February 2003
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LRdriver said: drive too fast fall off the track
drive too slow fall off the track

simple huh?..
. Try it and find out. The usual applies, slow in fast out, keep it smooth, but I assume that you have bought this monster to have a blast. Go out there, fall off, learn, get better. Easy really.

Signed a slightly drunk envious b@stard

nigel greensall

75 posts

263 months

Friday 21st February 2003
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The big difference driving a car with downforce you will notice is the high level of grip in high speed corners and what will feel like a low level of grip in slow corners ! It takes time and experience to have the confidence to trust the grip levels at high speed for cornering and initial braking from high speed.

Give me a call anytime to chat in detail if you want more help.
