Wanted: 1500 SR3

Wanted: 1500 SR3


Chris Wilson

Original Poster:

122 posts

263 months

Friday 7th February 2003
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Have need for used 1500 SR3, cash waiting, will travel UK only. Thanks. 07971-952084 or e-mail chris@formula3.freeserve.co.uk


1,906 posts

292 months

Friday 7th February 2003
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Seem to be very few around - certainly the ones advertised by the factory weren't up for long! Don't want to wait 12 weeks for a new one, or want to skip depreciation?

Chris Wilson

Original Poster:

122 posts

263 months

Saturday 8th February 2003
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To save depreciation, although I am amazed what people are asking and maybe paying for used examples. These things seem to hold their value better than any other racecar apart from historic stuff... This assumes the price received closely mimcs the prices asked of course :-) Would consider a 1300, as I could then mod the engine differently to how Radical achieve the extra capacity.

Chris Wilson

Original Poster:

122 posts

263 months

Wednesday 12th February 2003
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Sorted now, thanks.


1,906 posts

292 months

Thursday 13th February 2003
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Did you find one? How were you going to modify the engine differently - bore instead of stroke?