


Original Poster:

7,592 posts

292 months

Wednesday 22nd January 2003
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Any advice on insuring? I'm in two minds about whether to SVA my SR3 (1500cc). I would if I could find a road policy that will do track day extensions (even at additional cost per track day). But I can't yet find such a policy. Getting track cover from Competition Car Insurance works out over 300 pounds per track day.

I've found plenty of policies to cover my car in storage and in transit to/from circuits, for less than 300 a year. It's just the track day thing!

Any help gratefully received!


38 posts

287 months

Friday 31st January 2003
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Andrew, I started paying for trackday cover for my sr3 supersport ( track only ) but decided that the cost was to high for far to little cover, have not insured it for the last 8 trackdays and have now saved nearly 2.5k.

I have since destroyed the front nose cone / splitter which has cost £1500 to repair, ie I'm still £1000 in front plus with the silly excess on the insurance I wouldn't have been covered even if I had insured it.

I believe its worth going down the "self insure" route as long as you can cope with the worst case senerio.



Original Poster:

7,592 posts

292 months

Saturday 1st February 2003
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Thanks Dave, I was starting to come to the same conclusion too! Hope to see you out there some time!


1,906 posts

292 months

Monday 24th March 2003
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Was getting a bit worried about road insurance for my road legal 1500. Footman James seem happy to cover me fully comp for £650 so pretty chuffed! Track cover excluded, but had already decided to self insure regardless. Any other companies out there recommended?