

Original Poster:

2,727 posts

214 months

Wednesday 25th July 2012
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shame about the tart's boudoir interior...but if i had £49k to waste i'd be soorly tempted...

must go like a rocket...quite lovely!


Original Poster:

2,727 posts

214 months

Thursday 2nd August 2012
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NBTBRV8 said:
My father is very close to finishing what would be an "original" looking MGA 1500 with V8 that is as new. It looks very impressive and will probably put it in a few magazines.
Any chance of posting some pics? There's a great before, during, and after post here on PH in the classic cars forum where I'm sure the chaps would love to see a V8 MGA.

btw - what V8 block has your father gone for? You have some cracking V8 motors in Oz.


Original Poster:

2,727 posts

214 months

Thursday 2nd August 2012
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RichB said:
Agree the interior is totally out of keeping with what an MGA is all about. I wonder if those wires will handle the power?
What's more concerning is that the vendor's stating "Offered at less than a third of its build cost" with an asking pirice of £49K? If true, then someone has been taken for a serious financial ride @ £147,000!