This Week I Have Been Mostly Driving... A Morgan!

This Week I Have Been Mostly Driving... A Morgan!



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7,852 posts

95 months

Tuesday 4th June
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Not technically this week, but my local dealer kindly let me borrow this the other day:

Morgan Plus Six.

Without Googling specific numbers I can tell you it's the straight six from the BMW 340, an automatic gearbox with a very BMW gear selector, RWD and 1100kg.

It also has three very tiny windscreen wipers, which made me laugh:

Definitely quick, I wouldn't want to abuse one on a wet day with the stability control turned off. It squirmed up to about 80mph on a private road with it turned on. laugh

Sadly it was too wet to really give it the full test drive treatment, but I did enjoy my time with it. Plenty of comments every time we stopped from both young and old.

The breeze inside with windows (slidey ones) and doors closed mean it's definitely not a winter car, and you could put your hand outside without opening either, but it was good fun and I'm glad I had the opportunity to have experienced it.

Next is the three wheel V twin thing they do, but as it has no roof, that'll have to wait to see if the rain ever stops. smile


Original Poster:

7,852 posts

95 months

Tuesday 4th June
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Master Bean said:
Is it a new 3 cylinder 3 Wheeler?
Ooh, I don't know!


Original Poster:

7,852 posts

95 months

Tuesday 4th June
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Mateyboy said they sell 600 cars but do 30,000 factory tours each year. Makes you wonder what their *actual* business is...