Three Wheeler Pricing - Constant Rise

Three Wheeler Pricing - Constant Rise



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3,938 posts

152 months

Thursday 13th October 2022
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I bought a seemingly good example 3 Wheeler back in July for £30k.
It was an earlier 2012 car with 8k miles, but it did have all of the factory recalls/upgrades as well as some other essential mods.
It looked very very tidy and clean for its age.

Unfortunately, 4 weeks to the day after I bought it, a lovely lady in a Range Rover on her phone came around my side of the road on a blind bend, writing off my car in the process.

I have had my insurance payout and intent to replace the 3W with another one, I'd only had it for 4 weeks and 850 miles but I loved it and want more of that experience and I've monitored the market thoroughly for about 10 months now - except for that 4 week period where I owned one.

They just seem SO expensive now though which is a big concern.
There are cars that have been on sale for 7 months that have had their list price INCREASE, despite sitting on forecourts and not selling.

An equivalent car seems to be around £40k now for a similar age/mileage/condition, despite it only being 11 weeks since I bought mine for £30k.
Very annoying when this accident was of no fault of my own but it is what it is.

Given the current financial situation, I am a little torn, on the one hand, as prices are rising, I am worried about them continuing to rise beyond my budget so that I cannot afford one. On the other hand, I am paranoid that if I buy another now, we'll have a market crash and I'll lose 15k overnight.

It seems like such a bad time to buy right now.

I considered ordering a Super 3 but I just don't like it.

Does anyone know whether dealers are dropping their prices for the sale or is this now the going rate? They do all seem to be up for sale for long periods of time without selling.
Any advice on what I should do?

Ideally, I'd like a Euro 3 engined car with under 10k miles.
Not that fussed about options.


Original Poster:

3,938 posts

152 months

Friday 14th October 2022
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ReformedPistonhead said:
There were not many made, they are unique, the new one is great but somewhat neutered. I think you are safe.

Asking price won’t be an issue but it may take a while to sell since not everyone wants one. If you need money quickly it may be a lower price in return.

I say this as the owner of a 2018 model and will never sell (and it cost a lot more than £30k).

PS so sorry about your accident must have been terrifying.
I appreciate the low volume for them - though I'm worried the general financial status of the country might affect values right after purchase.
I tend to keep my cars for 2-3 years, so I'd like to get out of it at around the 2 year mark without losing too much. If the financial market does collapse and the car market takes a hit like back in 2008/2009, I am a little paranoid about losing 10k+ on the car...

I was very lucky to walk away from my accident, I was only going about 20mph on impact - she was probably doing around 30mph. The front of her Range Rover was a foot away from my face at its closest point!
Very sore neck and shoulders but I'm ok other than that... Gutted about the car though. Cost to repair was supposedly £73k. 29k for parts +VAT and then 375 hours labour at £85 per hour +VAT.


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3,938 posts

152 months

Friday 14th October 2022
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Long gone I suspect, I'd already declined the opportunity to re-buy although and trying to keep the reg.


Original Poster:

3,938 posts

152 months

Friday 14th October 2022
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I'd not checked this well-known auction site for a while - thanks for the tip-off.
I'll be bidding on this - pretty much my dream spec.

I'm not keen on the cars Krazy Horse currently have for sale and I do feel they're expensive but I do regularly look.
There is currently a green 2012 car up for £40k that I like as well as a green 2018 car up for £45k in Aberdeen that I like.

Yes, very lucky to walk away and not have any serious injuries - took about 4 days before what had happened really hit me. At the time, I was just pissed off that the car was destroyed after I'd spent years saving for it.


Original Poster:

3,938 posts

152 months

Friday 14th October 2022
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ReformedPistonhead said:
Mine is very similar to your old one

Looks stunning!

As a rule, I hate silver cars - but I think it really suits the 3W. It is so classy yet in line with the car's character.

If they were still in production, I'd be ordering a new one.

I'll definitely bid on the blue one up for sale although sadly I feel it will go for way over my budget.


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3,938 posts

152 months

Thursday 20th October 2022
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Gramrugby said:
Russel Paterson has a couple for sale at the moment
I did email him a couple of times a few weeks ago but never got a response. Not overly fussed though, they're a long way from me.

A few on my radar now, and one I am very interested in.


Original Poster:

3,938 posts

152 months

Friday 21st October 2022
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I won the auction for the Porsche Miami Blue example last night.
£39,250 + the 6% buyers fee to the auction site.

Pretty chuffed with that, expected it to go for well beyond my budget.


Original Poster:

3,938 posts

152 months

Friday 21st October 2022
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At a guess, custom - don't recall seeing them before, but I really don't know.

Personally, I'm not a big fan and will probably remove them - they appear to clip in with the same fasteners as the tonneau cover.


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3,938 posts

152 months

Friday 21st October 2022
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I'll see how I get on with them and drop you a line if I decide to part ways. smile

Also, big big big thanks to ReformedPistonhead.
I probably wouldn't have checked that auction site and thus would have missed out on my new car.

You're a legend.


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3,938 posts

152 months

Sunday 23rd October 2022
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I collected the car this morning, not had a chance to get any decent photos yet.

It was the worst possible day to collect it, with very heavy rain for 90% of the 80-mile drive home.
I barely got above 50mph for most of it although it cleared up towards the end and I could open the engine up a bit more.

I got totally drenched and could barely see but I thoroughly enjoyed the drive back.

The car is in definite need of a good clean but some quick snaps in the garage for now.


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3,938 posts

152 months

Monday 24th October 2022
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Bobajobbob said:
Christ, the rain around London yesterday was torrential at times, I hope you had goggles as that must have been a hell of a trip. Is that the M25?
Yes, really was torrential for most of the journey - whilst enjoyable, I didn't feel massively safe on the M40 and M25 and at one point visibility was so poor I had my hazards on just to maximise the chance of people seeing me.

My goggles steamed up so took those of, my glasses obviously were covered in raindrops but I persevered! smile

It's sunny and dry today, just drove to work - what a glorious car.


Original Poster:

3,938 posts

152 months

Monday 24th October 2022
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I'm Essex, between Brentwood and Basildon.

Yes, other drivers taking photos are the worst offenders.
As you know, these cars get serious attention, both a blessing and a curse.

My biggest hate is drivers going right up behind you as close as possible to get a good shot.


Original Poster:

3,938 posts

152 months

Wednesday 26th October 2022
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Not a great start... Bloody EML has come on.
It did come home driving in the rain - I stopped after a few miles, shut off and when I'd turned the engine back on again it had vanished. Thought maybe water had got in somewhere it shouldn't have and confused the car.

On Monday evening, 15 miles after brimming the tank, it did come on for 2 minutes before going off, then on for 5 minutes before going off, then on for 10 seconds before going off. However, it came on again last night and stay on for about 40 miles, before going off, then back on again half a mile later.

The car seems to run spot on, idles fine, has smooth acceleration in every gear and given it had a full service by Morgan a few hundred miles ago, I'd be surprised if I'd bought a lemon and it probably is something not to worry about.

Any suggestions though? I'll check diagnostics at the weekend.
Possibly the nipples on the plugs being loose? Apparently, that's a thing.

The car also takes quite a long time to start when the engine is cold. With my last one, I'd only ever started it when outside temperatures were over 30 (back during our summer heatwave) so maybe it's just the weather? Although 15 degrees is hardly freezing. It starts back up quickly when warm though.

Apart from that, the car is going well so far, about 200 miles done, using it as my daily driver before the weather really turns!


Original Poster:

3,938 posts

152 months

Wednesday 26th October 2022
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It went off again on the way home! Utterly bizarre.
I'll try diagnostics at the weekend but otherwise get it booked in.