New Morgan +4



Original Poster:

179 posts

171 months

Saturday 14th November 2020
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Can anyone enlighten me on the standard Morgan Plus 4 basic spec. It is not shown on the Morgan website. For example, is air con or heated seats standard?


Original Poster:

179 posts

171 months

Sunday 15th November 2020
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RedThree said:
Pretty sure they're both extras. There's a link to the pricelist on this page;
Thanks. Should have gone to Specsavers... Oh no, I can't, am on lockdown smile

Fully loaded, a new Plus 4 is over twice the price of my old Plus 4. Is it twice as good?


Original Poster:

179 posts

171 months

Sunday 15th November 2020
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Wacky Racer said:
Specsavers is still open smile

Here's my "old" Plus 4 when I was picking it up. I think it was £32,000 in 2006.

Here is my original, also about £32K in 2007