
s3c chris

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288 posts

133 months

Saturday 17th August 2019
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Hi all.

In anticipation of some future work on my “500” RV8, I am keen to source some Bosch injectors to replace the standard Lucas ones.
I have read many threads and there doesn’t seem to be a definitive answer to the flow that is required.
The engine will be very mildly tuned, possibly a Stealth cam, (MC1 currently) ACT trumpets and hopefully GEMS engine management.
I know the Vectra injectors are used a lot but these are getting harder to obtain and I like the idea of the Bosch ones.
Can I assume a flow rate of around 250cc ( same as the Vectra ones) would be suitable?
Apparently there are Bosch EV1 types available with 264cc flow rates or would the “normal” Bosch injectors with a 215cc flow rate be adequate?
Any advice would be appreciated thank you.

Regards Chris.