Overdue Service on a Chimp, Should I buy?

Overdue Service on a Chimp, Should I buy?



Original Poster:

85 posts

272 months

Monday 11th February 2002
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In you opinions, should I consider buying a 98 Chimp 4l with 56k on the clock, and hasn't been serviced since 42k?

I am having the car inspected, and the seller has agreed to pay for the service. The car is absolutely beautiful, well priced and to my eye, only the only problem (apart from the well overdue service) is with a wet drivers footwell, which we all know is a fairly easy fix.

It depends really, on the report back from the inspector (mole Valley TVR).

Am I living in a dream world? should I not touch this car with an extended barge pole? Or is it going to be a bargain at 16k?

What do you all think?


3,280 posts

288 months

Monday 11th February 2002
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Ooo - er difficult to call without the inspection. However, it must be competitively priced for you as when you come to resell then you will be faced with the same problem.

Mine has 46k on the clock and a FTVRSH until 36k with independant from there - nothing leaks, squeeks or sounds wrong with it (in fact smoother than some others that I have heard / driven) but this is probably the exception rather than the rule - and it was serviced on the button each time.

Most things are easily (at a cost) fixable, but the most expensive part is the engine. You should be ultra careful with this as failure to stick to servicing intervals will cause problems longer term - if you do get it then maybe treat the car to regular oil changes every 3000 for the next 9K to try and make up for the lack of servicing... just a thought...




480 posts

276 months

Monday 11th February 2002
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Personally I'd be in the 'wouldn't touch with a barge pole' camp. That is an extremely high mileage for such a car and if all else were in order then maybe the asking price is about right.

To overlook servicing for 14,000 miles is no way to look after these cars and indicates an owner who doesn't really care. It is likely that several other problems will appear during the service and inspection which will not be cheap. After all you cannot retrieve excessive wear caused by failure to renew lubricants etc when they are time or duty expired.

You don't mention any other history but does it have a complete service history otherwise? Does the history include for the replacement of any major parts because at that mileage they will be coming due soon if not already done and there are some big bills in this category? Has it been with the current owner since new or maybe somebody else has taken better care of it for at least some of it's life.

Excuse the instant reaction type message but I would tread warily on this one. How many cars have you looked at so far because I'm sure you could find a car with a better history than this.


Original Poster:

85 posts

272 months

Monday 11th February 2002
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The car with it's 2nd owner,previous was the dealer as it was their demo. Other than the missed service, it has all main dealer stamps at the right intervals, with service recipts listing work carried out. From memory, nothing has been replaced yet ie clutch, starter, alternator etc are all original items.

It's not the first car I have seen, it was very clean, drove beautifully, had precice steeringwith lots of feel, had RST front discs, Cossie rears, and EBC green pads, and pulled like a train.

I agree that it does have high mileage, but doesn't that just mean it's been used every and has done an average of 12k mileas a year?


2,238 posts

288 months

Monday 11th February 2002
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The mieage needn't be a concern as there is a theory that regular use makes them more reliable. However this car has missed two services not one, and you have to ask yourself why? Plus what else has been bodged or skipped.

There are plenty of Chimaeras out there, I'd walk away.


Original Poster:

85 posts

272 months

Monday 11th February 2002
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I've just spoken to the owner, who can't believe that he's left it that long!!!! yeah right!

Anyway, he thinks he's missing a bill, and know for fact that the book hasn't been stamoped on one occasion.

I'm sceptical, but if he comes up with the missing bill or the garage has a record of work carried out and the inspection comes back OK, then I could be in.

Alot of ifs and buts, but I'll keep you all posted!


3,280 posts

288 months

Monday 11th February 2002
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To be honest, I dont bother getting my 150K mile Citroen stamped in the book - but I would be bothered about my pride and joy (and thats not the Citroen before anyone asks!). I have even driven back specifically to a dealer to get a service stamp done prior to sale (on a different car) to save these type of questions....

I think you are right - to many ifs and buts on this one. Walk away. There are plenty of others for sale and you never know, the next one might be perfect...




14 posts

272 months

Monday 11th February 2002
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Hi Bazza,
Personally, I'd give it a miss as well.
It's the classic 'not looked after rule' - you'd be the one taking all the risk - as a new engine would be £3k+ - is it worth it?
One of the cars I saw advertised said FSH, when I phoned the chap he said that the local garage had done the last service 'as it is just a Rover engine' - I din'nt bother to view.
Did you make an offer on that car in bedfordshire ?


1,879 posts

287 months

Monday 11th February 2002
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Bazza, I'm with the others, walk away now. There's plenty of Chimaeras out there with FTVRSH for less money.
I just sold my 97/P with 41,000 miles for £13,800! Admittedly I was in a ruch to sell as my Tamora came early but it's just an example of what you can get.
Keep looking but leave this one.
Cheers....... Andrew

Jason F

1,183 posts

289 months

Monday 11th February 2002
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I've just spoken to the owner, who can't believe that he's left it that long!!!! yeah right!

Anyway, he thinks he's missing a bill, and know for fact that the book hasn't been stamoped on one occasion.

I'm sceptical, but if he comes up with the missing bill or the garage has a record of work carried out and the inspection comes back OK, then I could be in.

Alot of ifs and buts, but I'll keep you all posted!

You can phone TVR with the plate I think and they have the record of the history on the car, or phone the dealer and ask for their records on the car ???

Someone who has 'forgotten' to get a car like that serviced would worry me... It could be a false economy to buy it cause it is 'cheaper'

How long has he had the car ?


Original Poster:

85 posts

272 months

Monday 11th February 2002
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NO, I haven't seen the one in Bedfordshire, don't like the sound of it really.

So, If I get in touch with the garage who serviced it last, and they verify the mileage at which it was carried out, and the seller gets it stamped by them this weekend as he says he will. AND the inspection comes up OK, I should still walk?


14 posts

272 months

Monday 11th February 2002
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Obviously you've seen the car - if it looks OK, then maybe he's had it serviced and not had book stamped - but this sounds so unlikely - is'nt it one of the first thing people check after a service (after they've recovered from the shock of paying.
I'd still walk if it was me.
I've actually dealt over the week-end on a car that hopefully I'll be picking up on Thursday (getting HPI and Factory check today) - on Saturday at 2pm i was despondent after seeing another dog (the amethyst one in Autotrader) - then at 3pm I'd dealt !
Go and see others - the right car at the right price with the right spec and the right history will turn up eventually.


21,116 posts

277 months

Monday 11th February 2002
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At the very least, all the uncertainty gives you a big stick with which to smack that price down by several grand. There are plenty of good cars that have been properly looked after out there for less than this. No way you should take this on at 16k IMHO.

Getting shot of a TVR is a time consuming business. It is a buyers market, particularly at this time of year, and you'd be a mug not to drive your advantage home (instead of a shed ... arf, arf).


508 posts

284 months

Monday 11th February 2002
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There is no way that he has forgotten, unless he is a mug. My book wasn't stamped at the last service (still isn't 'cause I can't be arsed to go to TMS just yet). However, I won't forget (like somebody said earlier, you don't forget bills of that size) and when the weather is nice I'll be down to collect my stamp.


2,238 posts

288 months

Monday 11th February 2002
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Even if the book hasn't been stamped he should still have the invoice / receipt for the work.

Bo Nydal

34 posts

271 months

Tuesday 12th February 2002
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In you opinions, should I consider buying a 98 Chimp 4l with 56k on the clock, and hasn't been serviced since 42k?



>> Edited by Bo Nydal on Tuesday 12th February 07:37


529 posts

278 months

Tuesday 12th February 2002
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I'm with the others. Unless he can come up with concrete evidence, a dealer stamp and invoice saying it has been done, either beat him down on the price to an extent that will cover major components, or give it a miss.


Jason F

1,183 posts

289 months

Tuesday 12th February 2002
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On the plus side you will have the dealer check out the car and they ought to be able to ID any parts that may go wrong in the future, get the price reduced by the cost of 'probable' repairs..

Has he got all his receipts for servicing ?

But I would STILL be nervous of buying it...


14,793 posts

275 months

Tuesday 12th February 2002
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The mileage isn't a problem at all, but the owners lackadaisical attitude is! Tivs can take the miles if they are well looked after. Someone who "can't quite remember" what he's had done and when is not Tiv lover and thats all you need to know.
Also the price is plain daft.
If he finds the bills and extra service records, if it passes the dealer inspection and if you love the colour/trim combo so much that you have to have it then get him to pay for a full servie, bid him 13K, pay no more than 14k, buy a TVR 5 star warranty
And enjoy!
if he won't do all of the above just do as the song says and "walk away Renee"!
Andy 400se


1,186 posts

276 months

Tuesday 12th February 2002
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I didn't think you could get a warranty if it didn't have FSH?
Oh, doh, just re-read it. Ignore me

>> Edited by squirrelz on Tuesday 12th February 10:44