Short wife

Short wife



Original Poster:

285 posts

272 months

Tuesday 5th February 2002
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I know this has come up before, but I am in the possession of an extremely small wife. She would maintain that 5' 4 is average for a woman. Obviously I only ever seem to notice the tall blonde ones, so I can't really comment. However, her size (or lack of it) precludes her from driving the new vehicle.

This of course is generally excellent news for me, as she is dangerous behind the wheel. She would not however relent, and did not believe my story that the engine had to come out to adjust the pedal box. Apparently she 'needs' to be able to drive it in case of 'emergency' (i.e. the brand new A3 she acquired 'in payment' for me to have the TVR fails to start - heaven forbid).

So - I have adjusted the pedal box all the way out. No - she's still too short. With the seat fully forward, she can only just push the clutch in, and that means I loose about £10 in clutch facing every time she presses the damn thing (or not, as the case may be). This is clearly unacceptable.

So - any workable (cheapish) solutions out there? I have suggested an orthapaedic shoe for her clutch foot, but that didn't go down too well. Any special cushions out there that fit? Or maybe a seat bracket (any idea on price?). I am 6'. Or perhaps someone has a wife they are willing to part-exchange. Mine can't drive but makes a cracking casserole...


4,738 posts

286 months

Tuesday 5th February 2002
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- That's the best post I've read in ages! You can have my girlfriend if you like in part-ex for your missus.

They always say the perfect woman is short with a flat head. I won't explain the full implications of this except to say that there is somewhere convenient to put down your pint. My apologies in advance to all ladies here on pistonheads - only joking!


684 posts

286 months

Tuesday 5th February 2002
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I know Leven Technologies have specific pedal kits, which would surely help. Just give them a call and speak to Simon, he is a very helpful guy.



506 posts

277 months

Tuesday 5th February 2002
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My treacle is 5 foot and half an inch (allegedly) so i share similar concerns.
I tend to sit her on a cushion with a further cushion behind her back. She has not yet noticed that I only let her drive on motorways when pedal use is limited.


11,104 posts

281 months

Tuesday 5th February 2002
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And the award for the best post this month goes to......

Makes a change from the usual slagging off that's become common place here recently.

Oh by the way - I have no answer for you.


14,654 posts

288 months

Tuesday 5th February 2002
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My girlfriend is 5 foot 4 inches tall and she has the same problem. I wish TVR would make pedal boxes that are easier to adjust as I've got the pedals all the way back, being 6 foot 4 inches tall. Luckily, she isn't bothered about driving the TVR, she drove it once in a park (doughnuts on the grass, accidentally!) and decided the gearchange was like a truck ... I've not offered her the chance since.

Does anyone else have the problem where, if you do any slidey stuff the other half screams? As soon as I give it a bit of handbrake or oversteer she screams and grabs me. She doesn't say stop doing it, but it's not easy to concentrate when there is someone cutting the blood supply in your arm. I did a nice 180deg handbrake turn in my A6 on Sunday down a backroad (big, wide junction, no traffic, wet, we needed to turn around, it was beggin' for it) and she did it again so it's not the TVR.


Jason F

1,183 posts

289 months

Tuesday 5th February 2002
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Does anyone else have the problem where, if you do any slidey stuff the other half screams? As soon as I give it a bit of handbrake or oversteer she screams and grabs me.

My missus encourages me to do stuff like that, and even when I am driving her car...
Oh, the one time she did grab my arm was when I lost it at a set of lights and ended up facing the oncoming (well, once the lights turned) traffic.... In her car.


23 posts

272 months

Tuesday 5th February 2002
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my mrs usually just ignores me if i go too fast or anything.last time in a bm i had, i was racing a couple of other cars (mr2+rs turbo) on an empty stretch of dual carriageway and she became cross.since i ignore all road signs and she was giving directions
we ended up in the tiv on the other hand;i opened her up the other day (the tiv)and turned to her for an icy stare only to be greeted with a look like she was having an orgasm (maybe the leccy seats had shorted when she p***** her pants!!!!)


Original Poster:

285 posts

272 months

Tuesday 5th February 2002
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After several years of ownership I have figured out exactly what the tolerances are of my current stupid car (a Fiat Coupe - soon to be sold) and can 'safely' negotiate a roundabout sideways. It had always struck me as strange that on some occassions the car made a strange whining sound when performing such a manoeuvre.

Imagine my surprise when I learn't that the noise originated from my wife, who would be plastered against the passenger door like an octopus in a wind tunnel.

Anyway - obviously I am still 'learning' about the TVR and hence have not reached this nadir of excitement. I have however learnt that by stamping on the throttle on a sliproad, the Good Lady's diminuitive frame slides under the passenger seatbelt and she ends up in a crumpled heap in the footwell.


39,731 posts

289 months

Tuesday 5th February 2002
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er james, would you not need to stomp on the middle pedal to ensure the other half ends up in the footwell? my wife usually emits a deafening silence if I attempt to enjoy myself (driving the Griff)but disregards my cries of fear when she is behind the wheel


Original Poster:

285 posts

272 months

Tuesday 5th February 2002
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No no no my dear man. If I stamp on the brake pedal she ends up smacking her head on the dashboard. You should see her. She has a face like a frying pan.

(I should point out at this juncture that if my wife EVER figures out how to operate the Internet, and if she EVER accidentally types in 'TVR' to a search engine, instead of, say, 'Teddy Bear' and ends up here, then my posts will suddenly and quietly end. Like my life.)

We're getting a little off-topic here (is there a 'TVR - Family Abuse' section?)...


12,404 posts

274 months

Tuesday 5th February 2002
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not too sure, but as you have already tried the orthapedic shoe option could i suggest a pair of empty bean cans taped to the bottom of her shoes (or the pedals for that matter).

It is much cheaper than a leg lengthening op, and far more economic than the wife swap option.

If all else fails have to get her a set of hand controls fitted....



39,731 posts

289 months

Tuesday 5th February 2002
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be afraid James, be very afraid, mine managed it and I got roasted, as some here will the idea of the bean cans Ben, but more to the point, aint it time you ditched the porker and bought a Tamora? after all you've had the thing over a month now


12,404 posts

274 months

Tuesday 5th February 2002
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It did cross my mind, but i think i will give it a year to let them sort all the odds and sods out!

Porker has now been mine for 5 months and still no intention of selling, unless neccessary!

You should see it with the GT Aerokit, even Flasher got a trouser tent and started talking German.



39,731 posts

289 months

Wednesday 6th February 2002
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THAT, I would pay to see....erm not the trouser tent thing but speaking german, or in any way advocating anything other than a primer grey Tampon


1,137 posts

284 months

Wednesday 6th February 2002
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LOL, best thread I have seen for ages.
My wife starts to scream as soon as I go over 4K rpm in a any car, even in first gear! although I found an accidental soulution in a old 5 series BMW which is so quiet she doesn't notice me doing over a ton on the motor way, er I mean Autobahn
The worst part is she can't even bl00dy drive, and she doesn't drink..
Come to think of it, why did I get married


311 posts

274 months

Wednesday 6th February 2002
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The best thing to do is to sit behind your wife with your feet on the pedals and let her steer and change gear - providing she is short you will be able to see over her shoulder - no problem!!
Gives her the impression of driving but you have the control!! (Come to think of it why don`t I do this all the time - would help my insurance premium no end!!)

Love the thread!!



67,280 posts

275 months

Wednesday 6th February 2002
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I went to Amsterdam two weeks ago. Left 'er indoors, with legs that reach the pedals, the keys to my pride and joy.

Monday morning the phone rings, 'I've smashed up the car' she say's. So I get home finally to find a scratch that follows the entire underline of the car, just below the door.

I am now planning a holiday in Bristol...

Let this be a lesson to you all, and thank god you have a short Mrs!
