Used Chimarea values

Used Chimarea values



Original Poster:

122 posts

273 months

Saturday 12th January 2002
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13 posts

272 months

Saturday 12th January 2002
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I don't think you can apply the normal rules of depreciation to specialist cars such as these, yes the value does fall but not at a predictable rate.

I own a Chim 400 and am looking to sell it for £15k, I know I will get very close to this as a TVR buyer is not your average man in the street.

History/condition/perception of the current owner have a huge effect on the decision to buy.

I looked at quite a number of cars at so called "specialist" & quite honestly they were rubbish (accident repaired / dis-colouration of paintwork etc)

In the end it's the market that dictates the value, current owners aren't prepared to give them away so buyers have to accept this.

The other thing to remember is what else could you buy for this sort of money that can embarass most other vehicles on the road (including exotica) with the image to match??

Happy hunting!!


2,238 posts

288 months

Saturday 12th January 2002
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I can see what you're getting at but TVRs don't follow normal patterns. They are still somewhat seasonal but less so than convertible BMWs etc.

Prices did drop over the past year, however the market will dictate the price. If cars don't sell privately for 13k then prices will drop, however they do sell at that sort of price so why should people sell for less. Age is less important than history and condition with a TVR so a good K may go for more than an average M plate.

At the end of the day its your choice, if you don't want to spend that much buy another Nissan or a Vauxhall.


104 posts

275 months

Saturday 12th January 2002
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I read your posting with interest.

Like all buyers, obviously you want a car in good nick. Obviously you want to pay as little as possible for it. That is just human nature.

Sellers on the other hand want as much as possible for the cars they are trying to sell. That is human nature as well.

If you can't find a suitable car for the money you have set aside then perhaps it is you who are being unrealistic about the price.

Market forces and supply and demand dictate the prices.

If cars are overpriced they simply do not sell because of the competition. However, if you can't find any suitable cars within your price range perhaps it is you who need to rethink.

Hope you end up with something good AND affordable!


Preston1990 (Complete TVR postcard collection one day!)


63 posts

272 months

Saturday 12th January 2002
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i picked up my 1st chimp400 today
paid 10.9 from a dealer, with warranty. Lreg 60k miles, beautiful....old ish but beautiful..just spent last 4 hrs terrorizing local traffic .......the way i feel now i can hardly type without shaking (in a good way).
i looked for 3 months b4 i found it. i was in and out of every tiv garage between henley and farnham and autotrader was practically my homepage (p.s there are FAR better ad sites i now know..)tip from a new buyer - keep a record of what you see advertised and what everyone says. join tvr car club, read mag, investigate etc.. when you first start that big fat engine i SWEAR whatever price you pay will go out the window and your ribcage will shake like buggery abd your heart will be in your throat... i kid you not!


2,975 posts

289 months

Sunday 13th January 2002
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The thing with TVRs is that they are indiviual. As you rightly say, you can't look them up in a book like a Focus because firstly there are relatively few of them and secondly because each has been individually specified.

So conclusions of the kind you're trying to draw are much harder because you're not comparing like with like.

The only thing to do is keep looking until you find the one that fits you -- right age, condition, mileage, colour and so on -- and go for it. But do keep looking, the right one will turn up. Note that mileage is less important on these cars than how well they've been looked after because the basic bits that make it go -- engine, clutch, gearbox and so on -- are pretty tough.

Beware though that the first one you drive will tempt you, the second will be irresistable. If you haven't already given in...


Bob the Planner

4,695 posts

274 months

Sunday 13th January 2002
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I agree that the 2nd hand price (and new price for that matter) will be dictated by the market. If you can predict what the market will be when you want to sell you are a better man than I. I accepted that when I bought my car from a dealer I would be loosing 2-3k however I had a good car with proven history and some come back if everything went pear shaped. In the first 5 months of ownership the grin factor has been well worth the money I knew I would lose. Its probalby people like me who know what they want and when they find a good one grab it with both hands - quickly - who keep the prices high. I could have waited to find as good a car privately ( the 4 I saw were not up to standard) however I wanted a car before the end o the summer. As I said - market forces - you pay for what you want when you want it or wait a while for the price to drop.

Bob the Planner


1,329 posts

296 months

Sunday 13th January 2002
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There has to be a average price for a certain age car, but as everyone has quite righly pointed out it's the cars condition, specication, colour combination and service history and what the car has been driven like that effects the prices.

These aren't Nissan 200's. Glasses Guide Car Values (Car Traders Confidential Book) have pretty much every car value under the sun in their system, including Lotus - but they don't list TVR at all - infact all it says is "consult your local dealer"

This is because of my first point - with every car being different, values can differ from as much as £5000 on something worth £14000 privately. Yes some people do get bargains - but most don't.

You pay your money, you take your choice.

Take you time - buy the right car for you, it may be the first one you see or the thirty first - only you will know and when that point happens buy it drive it and enjoy it!


1,258 posts

272 months

Sunday 13th January 2002
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Just purchased a 97/P for under £14k!!! full history and no problems had it checked out buy a local TVR specialist before purchase as it was a private sale. If you've got the cash go and make some serious offers their are bargains out there, the original price was nearer £16K (valued at £17.5k when HPI'd), I know I won't loose money for at least a year maybe longer.... Just do it you won't look back...


28 posts

274 months

Monday 14th January 2002
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Hi Dex...
I think u should be careful when looking for a "cheap TVR".... it can be a false economy !!....
I bought my Chimp 400 96 N 18 months ago and payed probably the higher end of the price range !!
But in return i got a good colour combo ( cosmos blue / magnolia ), the later serpentine engine, full service history, one owner and low miles !!
The car has been 150 % perfect in every way !!.... and i know that i should get a good price for it if i sell it from anyone who genuinely wants a 1st class example !!
Surely the real cost of the car is the difference between the buying and selling price plus anything that goes wrong in between !!
Worth thinking about !!!?

Good luck !!


14,653 posts

288 months

Monday 14th January 2002
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You won't see Chimaeras much below 11k for a while yet since the V8S,S3 and wedges fill the 8-12k price range at the moment. Why would your average Chimaera be worth for less than a V8s? (OK, there are reasons, but YKWIM).

Dealers selling early Chimaeras for 13k may well have picked them up for 10k. Thing is, the poor previous owner was probably shafted when he part exchanged at a non-TVR dealer. Most non-TVR dealers will call around to get a price they can sell the p/ex on for, then offer you around that price - no TVR dealer will take on an unseen car for 'full' trade price (if there is such a thing in TVRland).

My suggestion is to squeeze a tiny bit more onto a loan to buy a 13k car - of course now is the best time of year to buy TVRs and the worst to sell. Looking at the Pistonheads classifieds there are several K/L cars for sale - find out how long they've been for sale and see if the owner will take an offer. 14.5k is probably quite steep for an L reg'd unless it is like new (don't take this personally you guys who are selling - I reckon my N reg'd is worth 14.5k privately and it is in very good condition and is a desirable colour).



Bob C

112 posts

289 months

Monday 14th January 2002
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There was a time when second hand values for TVR's were very stong. This coupled with the "my pride and joy factor" leads people to ask more than they are worth. Alot of TVR's are 2nd or 3rd cars so often people do not have to sell them so don't if they cannot get a price they think is realistic. There are good value private cars around (I bought one) so keep looking and make offers. Obviously don't pay dealer prices to a private seller.

Edited by Bob C on Monday 14th January 13:51


16,794 posts

276 months

Monday 14th January 2002
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Trefor, didn't no u were 1 of the txt generation – xplain


TVR owner in 2002


1,100 posts

275 months

Monday 14th January 2002
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you know what i mean


194 posts

274 months

Monday 14th January 2002
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dex. as one of the owners of a k plate 40.000 mile chimaeras hoping to get 13k i can tell u from experience it aint easy but i also know u wont find a proper car with decent history for 10 or 11k u may buy a car reqiering work or paint but u cant polish a turd niether can u buy back miles find a nice one and be happy dont buy a dodgy one and regret it i had one twat e mail me with an offer of 11k without even looking at the car!! be reasonable quality costs.


16,794 posts

276 months

Monday 14th January 2002
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you know what i mean

Cheers MEMS


TVR owner in 2002


194 posts

274 months

Friday 18th January 2002
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methinks 13k for a proper chimaera with history absolutely nothing to do is reasonable. of course i would haggle we all do surely? but but 11k sight unseen.champagne tastes and a beer buget springs to mind. if i was daft enough to start talking at 11k matey would probably turn up with 10k. the point i was trying to make is how do u bid for a car u have not seen? internet people seem reluctant to pick up a telephone!!!!!! good luck mate with 11k you are going to need it regards chuck

Jason F

1,183 posts

289 months

Monday 21st January 2002
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If I wanted a £13k 'K' plate Chim, and yours was perfect, then I'd buy it - why wouldn't I ? What possible reason could I have for not doing so ??

It just seems to be a case of wanting to get a bit of cash off. Though he was taking the p**s I think to look for a 15% discount ! When I was selling the MR2 someone offered us about 60% of the asking price. You can guess my answer. I also look to get some money off a car when I buy it, but I do ask the seller what is the lowest amount of money he`ll accept for the car.


194 posts

274 months

Tuesday 22nd January 2002
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dex i think u missunderstand matey nor anyboddy else has been to view my car i refused to talk at 11k i have now found my next car (not a tvr) so i will ajust to 12k the tvr thing is simply not for me i need something totaly reliable and a bit more practical sorry guys!!!! but i was warned


46 posts

289 months

Tuesday 22nd January 2002
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Why does Dex seem to be getting such a hard time here (do you all have overpriced Chimaeras to sell hmmmm ??) ?

For the record I think he's right. I've tried to sell Chimaera's privately in the past. On each occasion I've advertised my spotless cars at a little below the average prices in the private ads I've seen and I've never had so much as a nibble.

It's a buyers market as most TVR buyers are very nervous about buying privately and so there aren't many of them. If you want good odds of selling then you're going to need to seriously consider offers of 15% below asking price or advertise at a more 'realistic' price.
