Oh nuts - that will teach me...

Oh nuts - that will teach me...



Original Poster:

3,280 posts

288 months

Thursday 22nd November 2001
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Noticed that the passenger side mirror was wobbling a little - especially yesterday with all of the wind. Decided to take a closer look and see if I can do anything about it - needs tightening or something.

Well, long story short - it was bust. Of the three legs that hold the mirror in place, two had broken. Must have been previous owner and clipped something. Well, sucessfully managed to break the final leg and now mirror dangling.... bugger.

Phoned TVR dealer for a new mirror and it looks like £160 the lighter will get it fixed - that will teach me. Next time I will just leave it until it is truly broken, rather than BIY (break it yourself)... bugger, bugger, bugger.




22 posts

274 months

Thursday 22nd November 2001
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My drivers side mirror is a bit wobbly, better get me flexi buddy out for a bashing, thanks for the advance warning, do they come sprayed, mines starmist blue


508 posts

284 months

Thursday 22nd November 2001
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There must be a bodge you can employ on this one


389 posts

284 months

Thursday 22nd November 2001
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Don't spend that money yet !

The part that you need to replace is only about £10. I bought one to do my mirror with and when I took it to pieces I found that the 3-legged bracket hadn't actually broken (unlike yours) just that the bolt securing the Mirror to the bracket had broken. - or something like that.

OK so its a real fiddly job to replace or fix the mirror, but you can do it yourself.

See my earlier post (6-12 months back now) on exactly how to replace the mirror.



22 posts

274 months

Thursday 22nd November 2001
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Cheers phil, how much do i owe you for that one. I'll have a looksee.


Original Poster:

3,280 posts

288 months

Thursday 22nd November 2001
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Were can I purchase this part? Ah, have spoken to TVR dealer to order the part and if I can get it now then great - but dont want to pee them off....




389 posts

284 months

Thursday 22nd November 2001
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I bought mine from Christopher Neil (up t'north) as I was heading that way to see the folks for the weekend.

Apparently this 3-legged braket is what commonly gets snapped when the mirror gets knocked etc - maybe its designed to do it ?

Did you find my previous mail ?
I seem to recall it was pretty detailed. you should be able to do just about everything through the speaker hole. Note that it is VERY important to mark where the bite of the thread is for the mirror mounting and where the securing nut is positioned. It will save having to remount the mirror many times using the alternative trial and error method. If you don't then you'll find that when the mirror is tighted up, that it will be pointing into the sky or the ground. I know cos I've been there - lots.


389 posts

284 months

Thursday 22nd November 2001
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My drivers side mirror is a bit wobbly, better get me flexi buddy out for a bashing, thanks for the advance warning, do they come sprayed, mines starmist blue

If the mirror is just wobbly then it MAY be that the lock screw is a bit loose and needs tightening. so you may not need to take the door to pieces to fix it. However, note that it is still a fiddly screw to get to. Someone said that they ended up cutting down an allen key to do the job. That sounded like quite a good idea to me cos you dont have much room to work in.


315 posts

274 months

Thursday 22nd November 2001
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Citroen part for this is £114 complete.


389 posts

284 months

Thursday 22nd November 2001
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Were can I purchase this part?

I would have thought that most TVR dealers/parts would carry this part as a standard. Sounded like it was quite a common "feature".


Original Poster:

3,280 posts

288 months

Thursday 22nd November 2001
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Mmmm, I would have thought so - that TVR dealers would have access to the part too! The certain one near me (remaining nameless) said no, only the full part - excluding the casing! Shame.

However, a subsequent investigation of the powered mirror has revealed that two of the motors have blown. Thought that it would be a loose connection. Seems like I need a new mirror after all! Bugger bugger bugger bugger....

Credit to the dealer though - up front with costs and part is £120 approx, so inline with the costs stated.

Seeing as other threads talk about Porsches etc - here is a comparison - Wife had a Ford Skateboard (Puma) for a little while (crap car dont get one) and had the mirror knocked off by some prat. Anyway, insurance job to replace - get this - £600 to replace!!!! And we though that TVRs are expensive....




315 posts

274 months

Friday 23rd November 2001
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Mine came unpainted in white.

I have a spare motor (brand new) for the driver side.


Original Poster:

3,280 posts

288 months

Friday 23rd November 2001
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Oh well, just tried a Citroen dealer also for the part. They came back with the same comment - you cant buy that part unless you get the whole mirror!

Still, strange thing is that a XM / CX mirror (complete) is £120.00 + VAT so they could be slightly more than the TVR part - that would make a change.

Worth a try though.


(With packing tape all over the mirror)


75,612 posts

277 months

Friday 23rd November 2001
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Packing tape? PACKING tape?!

As a TVR owner, you know you should be using Gaffa tape.


Original Poster:

3,280 posts

288 months

Friday 23rd November 2001
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Have gaffa tape, but currently cant find it - 8 month old son seems to have a nasty habit of moving everything!

Still, only for a couple of days so no problems there - used the gaffa tape for taping the hood up. Bloody good stuff. Heard that if you leave it on long enough it can mark though...




315 posts

274 months

Saturday 24th November 2001
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Just fitted my new mirror to a '98.

I would say it is not an easy job.

The connectors on the leads have been revised as has the ribbed casing.

Motor identical and rear casing.

So beware.


Original Poster:

3,280 posts

288 months

Saturday 24th November 2001
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Maybe it would be worth paying that £59 to the dealer to do it. They say that it is an hour job and thats their rate.

I guess that I can live with that considering it will take me more than one hour. Oh, and probably break the thing also....




24 posts

274 months

Saturday 24th November 2001
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i've had problems with my mirrors as well(vandalised whilst left in bristol.) replaced one myself, complete b**ch of a job, needs plenty of patience and a firm hand( or is that women?) its worth a go if cost is an issue, if not leave it to the dealer but i bet the mechanic do'es not see much of that £59 per hour! and he will be the one with stress. it took me an hour and i had never done it before, maybe your dealer is going to get the yts boy to do it!!
cheers macky.
PS any body going to le mans next year??