Ain't no love no more

Ain't no love no more



Original Poster:

348 posts

275 months

Tuesday 20th November 2001
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Now this may seem rich coming from one who is relatively new to the fold, but there is seem's to be a real lack of "ownershipness"(for want of a real word). I have had my Chim for about 4 mths or so now and prior to buying was a regular visitor to the site and always found helpful advice,information along with a real sense of camraderie.

People wanting to help each other and finding they had much more in common other than the cars they drive i personally found this a very attractive aspect of the TVR ownersip experience and definately not something i had ever really seen in all my years of BMW ownership.

Spent many weeks after buying the car looking for another Tiv to flash at etc. but didn't even hear a rumble. Until that is travelling through west london passed a yellow Cerb at slow speed and nodded to the driver with accompanying thumbs up type gesture, he looked at me is if i had a screw loose!

Next adventure gold coloured cerb sp6 marble arch i flashed the guy he blanked me (fine i thought to myself so much for the ownership bit probably best left to the good people of this site)

Thought i would give it one more go as this was a blue Chim in Kilburn (perhaps there is a hieracrchy Cerb thing i dont know about!)
This guy was pulling out of side road and i gave him way and nodded he wheelspun from the blocks with not even so much as a thank you.

Don't get me wrong it's not that i am excpecting them to jump out of the car or anything but honestly the few M5's that i used to see on the motorway when i was in mine would invariably acknowledge you in some way.

In a TVR your both sharing what is a relatively rare experience so why the attitude?

Finally had some of my confidence restored near Loughton Yellow V8S not only horned but floored it as he past me with a wave whilst i was sat at light's which did put a little smile on my face.

Oh well i suppose that either TVR's are now being bought by people who couldn't give a monkeys about the marque and are simply happy to thrash them as they used to their Cosworths or i have simply been unlucky in my encounters with other Tiv owners or it could have something to do with the I love OSSIE B Laden front windscreen tint sticker i bought recently!

Either way this is a good and happy site and i hope there will always be more Pistonheads out there driving Tiv's than the sh**heads i have run into recently.
(group hug)

Sher Singh Black Chim 500

Hey Ted my profiles changed!
Any Ideas?
>>> November 17:53

>>> Edited by singh on Tuesday 20th November 17:54

>>> Edited by singh on Tuesday 20th November 17:57

>>> Edited by singh on Tuesday 20th November 18:00

Steve _T

6,356 posts

277 months

Tuesday 20th November 2001
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My experience has been fellow Tiv' owners are very friendly, whatever they drive. I hope your experiences are an infrequent occurence - never happened to me.



16,792 posts

276 months

Tuesday 20th November 2001
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Oh well i suppose that either TVR's are now being bought by people who couldn't give a monkeys about the marque and are simply happy to thrash them as they used to their Cosworths or i have simply been unlucky in my encounters with other Tiv owners

I'd like to think you'ver been unlucky but then again maybe not ...

TVR owner one day


1,143 posts

282 months

Tuesday 20th November 2001
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I must admit, I had my confidence in the TVR commardary dashed last week when I was left on the side of the M1 near Nottingham, bonnet open, steam etc..

Passed by a dark red Griff and a blue Chim, I heard the glorious rumble and stuck my head up, had a wave - bugger all in response.

I'd like to think that I would stop an help-out a fellow stranded Tiv driver (if only to check whether they were ok, called RAC etc).



684 posts

286 months

Tuesday 20th November 2001
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IMHO the camaraderie aspect is not something you should expect in London where we are all ants ! Sad but that how I see it. Give me another week and believe me I will flash back!


34,443 posts

308 months

Tuesday 20th November 2001
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Hey Ted my profiles changed!

In what respect?


Original Poster:

348 posts

275 months

Tuesday 20th November 2001
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profile used to read Sher Singh and have pics that i sent that you kindly put on for me, don't worry about it though I must have more than one profile.

Edited by singh on Tuesday 20th November 19:53


34,443 posts

308 months

Tuesday 20th November 2001
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Yep, it would appear that you have two profiles and have logged in with the other one.


14,653 posts

288 months

Tuesday 20th November 2001
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Sher - you've been unlucky. I've found if anyone isn't going to wave it's going to be a Cerbera driver (apologies to all the waving Cerbera owners but it's a fact).

As for stopping on the motorway - Nice if you've the time, but maybe it wasn't easy to pull over, especially if they were motoring in the outside lane? Maybe they had meetings/people waiting for them like anyone else?



996 posts

288 months

Tuesday 20th November 2001
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Sher, you must have met these guys on a bad day (wasnt around the fuel crisis was it )

I've had a few "You and me mate, we're enjoying this more than the others" look/nod/thumbs up in my S3, and I've only driven it 500mls

Don't be put off, there are friendlt Tiv owners out there.



392 posts

289 months

Tuesday 20th November 2001
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One chap in an s3 was waiting at a junction, saw me, stood up in his car and waved No roof has other advantages it seems.


2,238 posts

288 months

Wednesday 21st November 2001
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Generally I have found that it's only a few of the later model drivers that do not wave, I put it down to the fact that they are not true TVR fans - just happened to buy one cos it was flash and the latest model.

Mind you I had the classic example of this on my way home from the S meet on Sunday evening. I stopped for petrol in my S3 just outside Henley and pulled in next to a Tuscan. As we came out from paying I complimented the owner on his car and he said 'thanks, your's looks good - what make is it ?' !!!!!

No sense of Heritage some of these people.


142 posts

276 months

Wednesday 21st November 2001
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I've had pretty good responses from Tiv drivers generally around central London.

Avenue Road - silver Cerbera flashed and waved.

City Road - Y reg Chimp hooted and said hello!

I'll always go out of me way to acknowledge fellow drivers of the marque!

- ChimaeraWolf
- P56 SAH - Black Chimaera 4.0


125 posts

287 months

Wednesday 21st November 2001
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I have to say I always go out of my way to wave/flash fellow TVR drivers(if I see them in time) and I’d say 90% of the time they respond.
As for the other 10% well what can you say!!!



2,975 posts

289 months

Wednesday 21st November 2001
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Singh, my experience as someone who's owned a Chimaera for over three years now (how quickly they've gone!) but lived in London till last year is that Londoners are often too busy watching the road to wave. I know I'd just catch someone on the other side of the road and they'd be gone -- I'm often too busy watching the pavement, cars in front, cars behind, junctions, buses, traffic lights, road signs etc to look at the traffic coming the other way in any detail.



16,792 posts

276 months

Wednesday 21st November 2001
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Londoners are often too busy watching the road to wave. I know I'd just catch someone on the other side of the road and they'd be gone -- I'm often too busy watching the pavement, cars in front, cars behind, junctions, buses, traffic lights, road signs etc to look at the traffic coming the other way in any detail.

Of course there is no traffic on the roads in the rest of the country ...

TVR owner one day


27,428 posts

284 months

Wednesday 21st November 2001
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Mebbe the Cerb effect is cause they're peering through a letter box windscreen and can't see other cars??


13 posts

274 months

Thursday 22nd November 2001
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Have ownwed the Chim now for a month and have nor good or bad experience of this.

Some have waved or flashed the lights and that is nice as such.

To me it sounds odd that we should have high expectations around this. I did not expect to become a part of TVR- family nor big signs of Chim-brotherhood

Naturally, it is good to see other fine cars on the road.

See you out there !


3,280 posts

288 months

Thursday 22nd November 2001
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In an effort to improve things - sorry to the person in the bright red Chimaera heading into Baldock yesterday. Mine was the dark metalic red one leaving Baldock!

Didnt notice you at first as changing gear and all of that. Plus, havent seen a bright red one before - just didnt expect it really.

You did flash, and I waved back. But due to my slow reactions I am not sure if you noticed - sorry, I did though.




4 posts

275 months

Thursday 22nd November 2001
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I'm pleased to say that other TVR drivers have waved me at almost without exception. On the two occasions when I've broken down at the side of the road, other TVR drivers have stopped to lend assistance. Unfortunately it is a well-known fact that not all owners of the marque share this enthusiasm. Judging by the attitude of the sales staff at a well-known Berkshire dealership it's hardly surprising.