Still need proof?!!

Still need proof?!!



Original Poster:

67 posts

276 months

Thursday 4th October 2001
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Ello all, I'm the one responsible for the "Decisions, decisions" thread a few weeks ago, and I've got one or two more questions... My position is still the same (i.e. looking for a Chim for approx £20000), and, with me not being a mechanic, I'm worried about reliability. I know they're not "in need of repair" all the time, and I'm assuming it depends on how you drive the car to a certain extent, and obviously ALL cars break down from time to time... but purleaze can someone put my mind at ease that I'm not going to regret spending what to me is a lot of cash on a car. Thanks very much.


34,443 posts

308 months

Thursday 4th October 2001
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That's easy. You won't regret it. Unless you buy a lemon you will be grinning from ear to ear for a considerable time and boring all your friends with what a great car it is. Then you'll probably set up a website dedicated to it, jack in the day job and live in the boot of your car on pies and Guinness...

sher singh

23 posts

275 months

Thursday 4th October 2001
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Spook, Two months ago or so I was in the exact same position as you spent a long time looking for an M3smg cab after losing a E34 M5, i had toyed with the idea of a TVR but then thought to myself why pay that much money for a car with dubious build quality etc.etc. Anyway saw plenty of BM's and yes they were "nice" again my logic was why risk it when there's not that much in the acceleration times,BHP etc. (I also posted on this site before with the title "need some re-assurance" Meanwhile back at the ranch, happened to be driving past barnet jumped in a 5ltr chim.for a test drive my mind was well and truly made up. Anyway went on to find one bought it have owned it two months, and i can honestly say nothing i have bought has ever inspired the sort's of emotions that this car does , woke up one Sunday morning and about 9 of the neighbors had come around to gawp at this car, my mother in law is in love with it(she is not a car fan)everybody's kid and their parents wants a ride in it, everywhere i park people come over and ask me questions about it.I have been parked at the lights and drivers in anything you care to mention have opened their windows to chat or just put a thumb is very strange at first (but not unpleasent) However none of this is related to the driving experince which is just sheer joy. ITS not about the figures its about how you feel and i have been in some quick cars in my time but this is somehow beyond that.When i was in the Bm some To$$&*$ would block your path etc. In the Chim. they want to get out of the way just to hear it open up. The ownership experince comes down to a multitude of things but i personally guarantee that as long as you geta "decent car" you will know whilst driving that very same day that you have made a great decision. What's your alternative get something mundane and always wonder what it would have been like? I know i will probably not be able to have a carlike this forever and the way the world seems to be heading its highly unlikely my children will ever have the privilige of owning anything other than a SMART! So at least i will be able to show them the photos of this beast and tell them stories of Porkers eating dust in my trail, its either that or talk of once owning a souped up eurobox or jap. spaceship.. the incarnations of which (with even more cup holders) will no doubt still be in prouduction. "it is far better to have loved and........." (or some other such line that i have misqouted) Sorry if I ran off on a wooly tangent being at work tends to do that to me! BLACK CHIM 500 Edited by sher singh on Thursday 4th October 12:00


Original Poster:

67 posts

276 months

Thursday 4th October 2001
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Yer, I mean, I'm likely to be buying from a dealer (Chris Neil) and get 12mnths warranty, and I've done the visit to the factory etc., test driven a Chim500 and haven't stopped talking about it since! I NEED one. Gawd, there was a thread on here about the youngest TVR owner ever... well it sure ain't me! I've just turned 32 and still a TVirginR.


39,731 posts

289 months

Thursday 4th October 2001
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sher singh, another black Chimera! you sum it up perfectly, the world is indeed changing and you will not have the chance to own one in the future, our Government are seeing to it

Saturn 5

249 posts

278 months

Thursday 4th October 2001
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The best proof is to buy it and see. I was nervous about what a lemon I could end up with, but touch wood its fine so far. And even if it does go wrong whats a little money compared to the fun I have. Take the plunge. The only thing I would be wary of and dont take this personel, your self expressed un mechanical mind. Try to find someone you know how will go car hunting with you. And if possible someone who allready owns a TIV. Just take your time, dont get sucked in by the dealers until your happy and expect a few minor troubs and youll be dandy. Good luck and let us know how you get on. Theres plenty of people here who have experienced virtually every problem you could encounter so dont be afraid to ask questions however silly.


2,937 posts

276 months

Thursday 4th October 2001
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I have had mine for a month, and can only agree with everything that sher singh says. Take everything you read and hear on an objective basis, otherwise you will be convinced that a) all TIV's are held together by hope b) if you take your eye of the road for a second the car will 360 of it's own accord. I bought a low mileage 4 year old 4.0 HC privately for £16,00, I made sure that an independent mechanic/engineer (not fitter !!!) I know and trust had the car for a day before I agreed to the purchase. He then negotiated off the cost of the work that needed doing (new radiator, windscreen re-seal) + I have had the bushes checked and the chassis waxoyled prior to the winter. I have still had niggles, not showstoppers, but if you don't want that, then buy a Yaris and keep in the inside lane............. Edited by ChingfordChimp on Thursday 4th October 15:06


Original Poster:

67 posts

276 months

Thursday 4th October 2001
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Okay, I'm understanding and agreeing with what you're saying, and I think I'll keep a rain check on the Yaris :-), but does it remain then, that they are really fast and super and fun, but yet many posters on here say they've had minor problems, such as radiators blowing, roofs on Tuscans leaking etc. As I said earlier, all cars have probs, but most manufacturers learn from their mistakes/design faults. Eg, the spoiler and ESP on the TT, the A class Merc overturning, even the BMW mini was sorted dead quickly. So why not TVR?


2,937 posts

276 months

Thursday 4th October 2001
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Spooky, the makes/models you have named a) ain't hand made b) don't have any soul c) can still go wrong. A guy who takes me to the airport has his new Merc people carrier in the dealership all the time. have a look at a Porker forum, when they go t*ts they do it big time, & look at their service costs. You have an easy choice old fruit, go for the all round excitement (including what may 'go technical' next)of a TIV or buy what is used as a Taxi in the rest of Europe (get them to throw in the string back driving gloves). I had the same concerns as you for 2 years which stopped me taking the plunge, no-one can give you a 100% g'tee on the car, but don't waste 2 years like I did............


46 posts

275 months

Thursday 4th October 2001
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Just bought a SAAB 9000 Turbo as a hack whilst the Tiv is in hibernation. Tiv has had no problems in last 16k miles. SAAB lasts 2 days (approx 300 miles) and gearbox fails! In those 2 days, did I smile once? no Have a word with yourself- Tivs do have issues, nobody can dispute that, but the performance relative to cost cannot be matched in my opinion!


2,748 posts

289 months

Thursday 4th October 2001
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Funny old world, innit? I was trying to sell my Chimp with a view to keeping my (admittedly high miles) BMW 7 series. However, in the last few months, I've just forked out a year's worth of TVR finance payments on replacing worn out bits of BMW. So I think I'm about to spin things around... buy as much extra warranty on the tiv as I can, and ditch the BMW. It'll cost me about the same amount per year to keep the tiv on the road, as long as I go indie for servicing, it'll be warrantied, and (key point) I actually stand a chance of selling the BMW, whereas not many people seem to want tivs at this time of year. Hey ho... [Edit] I think what I was trying to say was that big German iron goes wrong too, and generally in more expensive and intricate ways than TVRs do. There's about as much electronics in the 7 series as there is in a jumbo jet, and now it's out of warranty I live in fear of it all going on the fritz. Edited by Marshy on Thursday 4th October 16:19


2,937 posts

276 months

Thursday 4th October 2001
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marshy where do you go for additional warranties ? what are the restrictions i.e. age of car etc, who has to do service ? Tell me more........


Original Poster:

67 posts

276 months

Thursday 4th October 2001
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Guys, don't get the wrong idea: I'm a massive TiV fan and enthusiast, even tho I'm lacking in mechanical expertise. It's just frustrating that the cars are superb, but because of certain probs they leave someone like me a bit worried and insecure about reliability. Mebbe I should just get one, see how it is within the warranty period, and if it's a "nail" I'll get rid. Soz to go on about it, but this is a TiV forum after all, and if most peeps on here own one, they're hardly gonna say they're crap. They're hand-built, yes, but that shouldn't mean they're knocked up with a hammer! *joke btw* Edited by spookybuz on Thursday 4th October 16:24


11,104 posts

281 months

Thursday 4th October 2001
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The thing about forums is that people only generally post when things go wrong. You never hear about all the journeys where nothing breaks/falls off. If you like I'll post every time I drive the TVR and nothing goes wrong but I think Ted would get a bit hacked off with the usage of bandwidth! It's like the news they only ever tell you the bad sh1t.


275 months

Thursday 4th October 2001
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Ney spook, It just so happens i'm in the same possish when it comes to the what, why's and wherefores of buying a TVR. I too don't know which end of a toolbox to use and usually the people who do rub their hands when we arrive at 12pm knocking at their door saying "my rads blown off....." ££££! Can someone on here advice me on a decent entry level TVR, £15,000approx thanks guys.


2,937 posts

276 months

Thursday 4th October 2001
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Spooky, no disrespect but if you want the level of peace of mind and reliability that you seem to require, then maybe a top end sports car (of any marque)isn't for you. They are all built more on the edge than your Yaris/Merc Diesel run-around. p.s. i too am an absolute ar@e when it comes to anything mechanical, so as I said get the car properly checked out first. Edited by ChingfordChimp on Thursday 4th October 16:45 Edited by ChingfordChimp on Thursday 4th October 16:47


Original Poster:

67 posts

276 months

Thursday 4th October 2001
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ChingfordChimp, no disrespect taken. I just worry that I haven't got a degree in motor mechanics, that's all. There's lots of talk of so-called "soul" and "romance" of owning a TVR, but I really don't see many Boxsters leaking or blowing the radiators or over-heating. Jeez, hope ur not a TVR-salesman. PS - Er.. I ain't got a Yaris, or a Merc diesel. Edited by spookybuz on Thursday 4th October 16:48


275 months

Thursday 4th October 2001
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Bujt spook, how many pork boxes can you get for below £20,ooo, or do you know some Vinny jones characters?


Original Poster:

67 posts

276 months

Thursday 4th October 2001
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Bujt spook, how many pork boxes can you get for below £20,ooo, or do you know some Vinny jones characters?
I only wish Vinnie Jones was a mechanic!


275 months

Thursday 4th October 2001
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you would have to carry him in the boot if you are takin' the wife out. let's just chuck in and buy a chimp and draw a contract to agree when to drive it, me summer you winter.... Please sign below ...............