Quick Atom vid clip...

Quick Atom vid clip...



Original Poster:

393 posts

260 months

Wednesday 23rd April 2003
quotequote all
Bad road surface of course...

Vid clip here

Surprised I didn't blend it in to the scenery - I really really need to sort the set-up on the car as it's so bloody tail happy.

>>> Edited by ross.mcw on Wednesday 23 April 10:38

>>> Edited by ross.mcw on Wednesday 23 April 10:39


Original Poster:

393 posts

260 months

Thursday 24th April 2003
quotequote all
Yeah, I'm certainly glad there wasn't anything coming and the situation did call for a certain amount of 'random flapping at the wheel'.

Just glad I caught it....this week I shall mainly be driving more carefully.


Original Poster:

393 posts

260 months

Thursday 1st May 2003
quotequote all
I'm up for an Atom get together (if only to find out how many of use there are!).

I can vouch for Oulton Park if you can be arsed to make the journey (bare in mind that I have to drive mine everywhere!). I really felt the lack of power at Donnington last time I was there although Oulton felt great in the Atom.

Would be good if we could get Simon/Tom to bring a MarkII along for us to test as well.