Nomad pics



Original Poster:

370 posts

210 months

Sunday 26th November 2017
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Thought I would try & get a few pics up. Having had the Nomad about 9 months no, I have had some great times in it.
The weather has curtailed its use a little, so here is a pic from just a few weeks back.
Hope we can get some more on here


Original Poster:

370 posts

210 months

Friday 29th December 2017
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Original Poster:

370 posts

210 months

Sunday 31st December 2017
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I have seen your pictures on Art's instagram & YouTube channel.
Great work, good idea to film the car before it got used heavily.
One thing I have learned is it takes a lot of work,to bring it back to new looking after an off-road session.


Original Poster:

370 posts

210 months

Monday 15th October 2018
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Yes it is