New or used atom.

New or used atom.



Original Poster:

236 posts

208 months

Monday 20th June 2016
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Hi, am thinking on an atom but just trying to decide new or used, quite a long wait 14 months for new, had the cost sheet today on basic atom, guess that's all ready to go then you add on all extras If you would like any, Will do some more reading up and another look through the classified again, any help much appreciated.



Original Poster:

236 posts

208 months

Tuesday 21st June 2016
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Thanks for your input.



Original Poster:

236 posts

208 months

Tuesday 21st June 2016
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They sound fantastic. I need to sit down at the weekend and go through what I would like if I go new one,

Few years back had a Porsche 996tt and it was fab, sold it for a Ferrari 360 and just didn't get the same feeling as Porsche, don't get me wrong super car but always thinking of big bills, I know an atom won't be like anything I have ever been in on the road, think it could tick all the boxes, not thinking of track days but maybe one day, it's just a fab toy to have on a sunny day.


Original Poster:

236 posts

208 months

Tuesday 21st June 2016
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Sounds good. Thank you to all again


Original Poster:

236 posts

208 months

Wednesday 22nd June 2016
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Thanks again everyone, I was going through the sheet and you can spend some money, there are a few I like used so may go that way, I have a free weekend to look at what I would definitely like on new and go from there, there is one in a garage and may go and have a look it that,will get a better idea then.

Thanks again and good look to you dogz


Original Poster:

236 posts

208 months

Thursday 23rd June 2016
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Looks good I must say. I am looking at one on Saturday to get a feel of it so will know better next week if to get my order in for a new one, more I think about it looks better value for new.

The one I am looking at is only 20 miles from me so worth a ride out to see it, just its 2004 with 24000 miles, that puts me off but get to look at one up close.


Original Poster:

236 posts

208 months

Sunday 26th June 2016
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I know where your at, I went out in one Saturday but it was a atom 2 2004, and quite a few miles 24000, we only did a few miles as no mot on it, garage was doing that this week, felt quick but don't think we was anywhere pushing if at least I hope not, no supercharger too.

Ps seating position was much better than I thought