Ariel contact details

Ariel contact details


Peter F

Original Poster:

27 posts

270 months

Friday 12th December 2003
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Couldn't find any contact details on Ariel's website. Does anyone have an e-mail address to someone at Ariel's sales dept?


22,612 posts

264 months

Friday 12th December 2003
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Bottom left, click on contact icon.


Ariel Motor Company Limited
Manor Buildings
North Perrot
TA18 7ST

Tel: 01460 78817
Fax: 01460 72935

Doesn't give email contacts though.


>> Edited by dazren on Friday 12th December 23:44

Peter F

Original Poster:

27 posts

270 months

Saturday 13th December 2003
quotequote all
Thanks, I found that info too, but I would prefer an e-mail address.


1,015 posts

260 months

Saturday 13th December 2003
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>> Edited by atom290 on Saturday 31st January 15:07


393 posts

260 months

Monday 15th December 2003
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Yeah, they're a bit Internet retarded I'm afraid (sorry Simon, if you read this).

However, they're usually very good to talk to on the phone.

Cheers, Ross.

Peter F

Original Poster:

27 posts

270 months

Monday 15th December 2003
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Can't be bothered to call them. Just want to have some price info etc. How much is the Atom 2 with the Honda engine? As a kit with head lights etc?


8,853 posts

270 months

Monday 15th December 2003
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You are interested in buying a very specialised individual sports car but you cannot be bothered to even call the guy who designs and builds them.

Simon is a very friendly chap and it will not be like calling your local XXX car dealer and speaking to some sales muppet.

Give them a call.