Screw this - the 3D Atom is back

Screw this - the 3D Atom is back



Original Poster:

17 posts

234 months

Saturday 11th February 2006
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it should NEVER have been such a big deal in the first place... so i'm posting it. This time, for good. It's nothing to be worried about. Sorry for the big mess last time everyone.

Thanks for looking.



8,893 posts

277 months

Saturday 11th February 2006
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Bugger, I thought it was going to be something exciting like a new or updated version.


Original Poster:

17 posts

234 months

Saturday 11th February 2006
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that's what i get for inadvertently creating so much hype from last time. I haven't touched the model at all since the last post. Oh well...


6,948 posts

273 months

Saturday 11th February 2006
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Good looking model!! What did you use to create it?


Original Poster:

17 posts

234 months

Saturday 11th February 2006
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i used Maya 5. I think Simon was nervous about the whole thing because he thought i used CAD to build this. CAD, from what i know, allows you to create all kinds of realistic detail like electrical engineering, etc. But yeah, Maya.


243 posts

243 months

Thursday 23rd February 2006
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Nice video. You have some talent there.


1 posts

223 months

Sunday 2nd July 2006
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Hi, first post here. sorry if this is an old topic.

I want that Atom!

what i mean is aside from wanting the car, i want the model. i play GTA san andreas and want to use that car ingame, i think it would be awsome, and i tryed to make it, but i dont have good modeling skills. im using zmodeler2 and was wondering if you could port it over to a .z3d file so i can make it into a game car. i would love to offer you somthign for it, because im sure you put many hours into that wonderful render, but i havnt got much to offer but a big thank you!

Ive tryed using a few other 3d programs, and each one has its srtong point, but none have enough for me to work with. If there is a way that i could get a ariel atom2 3d model in .z3d 3dsmax or google/sketchup that would be awsome. unless someone has a good tutorial for making cars for a beginniner, i cant seem to find one that works with what i want to do.

Again, thank you and i hope i can get this model -Kevin