make money out of your Atom?

make money out of your Atom?



Original Poster:

110 posts

234 months

Friday 29th July 2005
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any of you folks interested in hiring your atom out for a day?
they are needed for a day at Donington for an experience day. each car will have a very experienced instructor in it, they will be fully insured, and 12 people will drive it for about 12 mins, so i guess 4/5 laps each. not a race experience day, just a large group of 'finance industry types' experiencing a wide and varied group of cars on a premier race track.


911 posts

236 months

Friday 29th July 2005
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I'm just being bloody nosey but, what would they be expecting to pay for a days hire?

I know the going rate is in excess of £1k a day!


fast buck

238 posts

233 months

Friday 29th July 2005
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how much?


Original Poster:

110 posts

234 months

Friday 29th July 2005
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Ah...yes indeedy the going rate is over a grand a day. BUT, thats the rate one would pay a company to supply an atom - at a circuit - with an instructor - with insurance - and fuel!
If one were to hire an atom and pay over a grand for the pleasure, one would probably correctly expect more than 144 mins in it too (and be allowed to rag the pants off it)!
This offer is somewhat different, and it certainly considers the fact that these would be privately owned cars and therefore not abused in the usual 'hire car' manner!
Please, if you are interested, email me for more details.


911 posts

236 months

Friday 29th July 2005
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'Finance Industry Types' have blatently been ripping us off for years and still do.

If I had an Atom and was willing to hire it out for a day, I'd charge them £2,000 plus anything else I could get and it still wouldn't make much of a dent in their obscene profits.

Sorry if I seem a little hard in my views but I have no sympathy in this finance quarter.


John Lloyd

926 posts

236 months

Saturday 30th July 2005
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datasafe said:
Sorry if I seem a little hard in my views but I have no sympathy in this finance quarter.

When was the last time one of these type took a pay cut whilst the rest of us suffered our endownment mortages going through the floor??? They are shit at their jobs and expect the rest of us just to keep paying into thier pension funds and f**k the rest of us.

£10,000 a day for my car if this is the type of people you expect to use it.


911 posts

236 months

Saturday 30th July 2005
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John Lloyd said:

When was the last time one of these type took a pay cut whilst the rest of us suffered our endownment mortages going through the floor??? They are shit at their jobs and expect the rest of us just to keep paying into thier pension funds and f**k the rest of us.

£10,000 a day for my car if this is the type of people you expect to use it.

Absolutely correct!!!

John Lloyd

926 posts

236 months

Saturday 30th July 2005
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Thanks for the support.


911 posts

236 months

Saturday 30th July 2005
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I felt I might have been a lone voice! The forum went deathly quiet after I wrote my bit.

John Lloyd

926 posts

236 months

Saturday 30th July 2005
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As I said they are all a bunch of crooks. You only have to look at the fees. Who gets paid repeat fees year on year for a policy they only sold once???

Bruce Fielding

2,244 posts

287 months

Saturday 30th July 2005
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I would gently point out that several fellow Atom owners follow financial professions - including one of the most prominent club members.

I feel John might have gaffed by telling us who would be using the cars.

I also feel that in the unlikely event of anything untoward happening, few of us would be prepared to wait six months for our car to be fixed should it require a new chassis - insurance or no.

Having loaned one car to a mate and having him tonk it to a sudden stop, and knowing of several other cars which have met sticky ends at the hands of non-owner drivers, this is too high risk a strategy for me.

John Lloyd

926 posts

236 months

Saturday 30th July 2005
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We all have friends in "that proffession"!!!

But holding 5 endownment policies that are not going to reach their value does leave one a little annoyed. As no doubt i have annoyed a few of my customers over the years. It was a rant late at night and getting things off ones chest is much better than bottling them up!

I am sure we can have a group hug when we all meet up.

>> Edited by John Lloyd on Saturday 30th July 10:34


911 posts

236 months

Saturday 30th July 2005
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When things go wrong, there is only ONE loser and that's the policy holder - NEVER the insurance company.

My original post was more aimed at the banks who during the good times practically thrust their loan services at you and often lie to get the business. All fine while the sun shines. But when things get tough, you soon find out who your friends are and it's not the banks.

They will seel off the debt to heavy handed and rude debt collection agencies thereby avoiding bad press.

Personally, I detest the banking institution with a vengance.



Original Poster:

110 posts

234 months

Saturday 30th July 2005
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blimey, it would appear some posters here feel they have had their pants pulled down by 'financial types'! well my sympathies go out to all of you that may have lost a few bob, i mean, somebody that took out 5 endowments wasn't trying to earn a lot of money on property in the first place were they?
how does the small print can go up aswell as down.

that aside, 'thankyous' go out to those that have so far emailed me with offers of cars, please keep them coming.

i of course understand why bruce feels its a risk too far, especially with his 'mate' experience. but i suppose thats the difference...letting a mate drive your motor (on the road i would hazard a guess) when one has no experience or expertise in dealing with a 'situation' whilst in the passenger seat.
Or, letting someone drive your motor in a controlled enviroment, with a very experienced and qualified instructor sat beside them. i know which one makes sense.
for sure, i wouldn't sit beside anybody on the road or on the track, and i'm a qualified ards instructor, but what i am not, and never going to be, is experienced at it! (the ards licence is for insurance purposes funnily enough, for giving 'hot lap rides', a race licence isn't a qualification to those insurance financial types)
i'm going to the pub now, bye


911 posts

236 months

Saturday 30th July 2005
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I hope they serve real ale!

Bruce Fielding

2,244 posts

287 months

Monday 1st August 2005
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haymanator said:
i of course understand why bruce feels its a risk too far, especially with his 'mate' experience. but i suppose thats the difference...letting a mate drive your motor (on the road i would hazard a guess) when one has no experience or expertise in dealing with a 'situation' whilst in the passenger seat.
Nope. Castle Coombe, just before Quarry. Mate has driven cars on tracks for years... just not mine any more!


Original Poster:

110 posts

234 months

Monday 1st August 2005
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bruce, oh dear! were you in the car when it happened?

Bruce Fielding

2,244 posts

287 months

Monday 1st August 2005
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Nope - just watching helplessly from the terrace of the (then) newly built media centre

John Lloyd

926 posts

236 months

Monday 1st August 2005
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haymantor said:
blimey, it would appear some posters here feel they have had their pants pulled down by 'financial types'! well my sympathies go out to all of you that may have lost a few bob, i mean, somebody that took out 5 endowments wasn't trying to earn a lot of money on property in the first place were they?
how does the small print can go up aswell as down.

I've moved four times and took out the fifth to do some work on my first flat. The annoyance is not with the small print, rather the job describtion "Independent Financial Advicer". More like "Lets see which company offers the biggest commission and I'll flog that one"

Anyway as I said we have all let customers down in the past. I mean we have not even talked about Estate Agents, Bankers, lawyers etc!!!


6 posts

230 months

Monday 1st August 2005
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Mr Lloyd, Mr Lloyd, NOWT wrong with Most Estate Agents just the odd few who are greedy and spoilt it fo the rest. As with lots of things in life.