Batch conversion of Gallery pics

Batch conversion of Gallery pics


Bruce Fielding

Original Poster:

2,244 posts

292 months

Saturday 4th June 2005
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I've been asked to recommend a batch converter that takes your large files and turns them into smaller files which are gallery ready

We recommend Irfanview (free download from

Here's a very useful tutorial on how to batch resize pictures using IrfanView:-

john lloyd

926 posts

241 months

Tuesday 14th June 2005
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This was great, finally got round to using it today and even I managed to make it work. So it must have been simple.

So there are now lots more photos on the Atom club site:


57 posts

264 months

Tuesday 14th June 2005
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How can I login to post pictures to the gallery?
My atomclub login doesn't work.

John Lloyd

926 posts

241 months

Tuesday 14th June 2005
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Send an email to Bruce he manages the site.


1,401 posts

250 months

Tuesday 14th June 2005
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Also, try ImageMagick. *Hugely* useful, especially if you have a decent command-line interface (bash or similar). Most MS Windows machines don't, although i suspect Cygwin may have a bash for you. Anyway, ImageMagick simply rocks.




11,980 posts

240 months

Tuesday 14th June 2005
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That has inspired me to upload my pics of Brunters and Haynes to the club site.

Specially for you John I have included one of a bin with my car in the far background !
