Get out there!



Original Poster:

174 posts

240 months

Monday 17th January 2005
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I had the funniest drive I have had for ages this weekend. Got up early on Sunday on the back of the weather forecast saying it wouldn't be raining, crept down, put on the flying jacket, started her up, woke the dogs, horses and most of the neighbourhood.

Well, it wasn't actually raining, but that's not to say the road was dry. Practically stuffed it into the verge opposite our house as I turned out. And again on the first left hander past the village pub. Grip - what grip? Couldn't get any heat into the Formula R's at all, even left-foot braking merrily on the straights to heat them up. One of my F1-stylee swerve from side to sides resulted in a tank-slapper that I only just got back under control before the next roundabout. It wasn't very fast, but very little of it was straight and even less pointing in the right direction.

Seized with inspiration, I stopped and backed off the dampers to see if that helped. Yesssss, and no. Better turn in, but even more sideways thereafter. The hiss of the rear tyres became a constant companion: round the corners, down the straights and braking. Braking. That was fun. Cold tyres, slimy, greasy surface. Ho ho ho ho. Haven't been quite so crossed up braking before - the look on one old boy's face as an Atom heads towards him, as he comes out of a corner in his Honda Civic, rather sideways and not obviously under control was unforgettable.

So was the police car that arrived at the roundabout as I completed my fourth sideways revolution. Amazingly he didn't stop me. Not sure which of us was more surprised. At this point (as Hoffnung said) I must have lost my composure and decided to call it a day before it ended in tears. Back in time for tea and cornflakes, somewhat wet and muddy. Perfect Atom weather.



8,871 posts

272 months

Monday 17th January 2005
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john lloyd

926 posts

236 months

Monday 17th January 2005
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Couldn't agree with you more. I went out for my first proper drive. Fantastic feeling, lots of smiles, waves and flashing headlights from all around. Then hit a puddle and nearly ended up in the duck pond, avoided that shot off across the corner of the village green and 50yrds up the wrong side of the road.

I only touched the pedal a fraction gov' 'onest!!


59 posts

257 months

Monday 17th January 2005
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I did some work on a sticky throttle on Saturday and only planned to pop out for 10 mins to check everything over, ended up being out for an hour and a half - must wear something warmer next time....

Back to Elvington next Saturday, I'll be due another set of tyres before Bedford




268 posts

236 months

Wednesday 19th January 2005
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Had a couple of reps from the Independent newspaper at work this week, trying to persuade us to renew our advertising contract.

Took the nice young lady out for a short spin, took it gently, she loved it, got out of the car beaming, raving about how much fun it is.

Took the guy out for a quick demonstration run too - and as he got into the car, he declared he'd been driven round a race-track with Mark Webber before and wasn't scared. I thought this not to be a clever thing to say.

Ten minutes later we arrived back at work. I jumped out of the car while he sat there, frozen, shaking in the passenger seat, with his face a funny shade of blue.

He later declined my kind offer of a lift to the train station, instead preferring to take a cab...

Bruce Fielding

2,244 posts

287 months

Wednesday 19th January 2005
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atom120 said: he got into the car, he declared he'd been driven round a race-track with Mark Webber before and wasn't scared.
Isn't that number three in the book of things not to say before strapping yourself next to someone driving an Atom. The others being "I hear these things don't handle that well", and "I find being driven at high speed really turns me on" (provided the passenger is of the right 'orientation'...)