R/C Viper Racing.................

R/C Viper Racing.................



Original Poster:

256 posts

261 months

Friday 3rd January 2003
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Hi Race Fans,
To follow on from a post on the "Who's driving what" thread, here's an idea that may be some really childish fun............
If any owners that fancy the ViperPUB thing own Remote Control Cars, we can set aside part of the car park and have a bit of fun.........I'll get some cones armco etc sorted, gaffa the course out before you arrive, hell we can even take bets for Charity etc etc...........anyone fancy some immature fun (unless some people take this sort of thing serioooooooously of course!). Free glas of pop for the winner!
Maybe Paul can be the "Ref" (similar stature to Ernie Becclestone!), Nad can be the Course Medical Officer (Better looking than Max!) I'll even bet that if we ask Neil nicely, he can sort out some graphics/ stickers etc......I'll have a word with the brewery for some small token sponsorship etc
Any ideas????????????? Or maybe I'm just being plain silly!


Original Poster:

256 posts

261 months

Sunday 5th January 2003
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Mine's a Nikko GTSR 1/10 scale......I know absolutely nothing about this sort of thing, just seems like damn good fun for an hour or so if we can get something sorted. Bought it off ebay about a year ago for an absolute bargain price (£30) just for the hell of it, so this seems like a good excuse to see what it can do!
Surely there's more than just all the above that fancy a crack-after all.......it can be for Charity !Perhaps if we look like this is going to happen, clashing frequencies could be an issue???????????????