

Original Poster:

10,005 posts

278 months

Monday 23rd February 2004
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Ten Of The Best 3 -Announcement – General Release

It’s our pleasure once again to invite you all to Ten of the Best 3. The event takes place again at Elvington aerodrome on Sunday the 1st August 2004. Redline magazine and Japanese Performance will be supporting the event and once again TOTB will be televised in September 2004.

We are pleased to announce that a few new clubs have come forward for 2004, in addition to those who took part in TOTB2. This means that the event entry list is already full provisionally, and also that a few new marques will be competing alongside existing entries. (MR2, Fiat Coupe Club, plus

We still have limited room available for suitable cars that are not part of an existing club/group/team. Performance car Tuners are also able to apply to compete, either as part of one of the Team entries or as individuals, subject to approval and spaces.
The competitor entry forms with details are available from this week on the Official TOTB website.

Spectator ticket prices are held at last year’s price and are available in advance at £15, or alternatively can be purchased on the gate on the day from 9am onwards at £20 per person. There are no limits on spectating numbers. All event and Ticket details for spectators are on for online or phone orders.

This year we are pleased to announce a Trade display area, and a new Results and Information Centre. All competitors, team reps and spectators will be able to get up-to date results and leaderboards throughout the day via the Information centre, as well as a programme of the day. A top speed viewing area will be available again, accessed by a site bus, as well as an expanded and improved pitlane viewing area. Stunt/demo driving displays will be run during any event breaks and at the end of qualifying at 3.30pm.

The event format remains basically the same, albeit with some minor tweaks to the Handling and Drag shootout finals from 4pm onwards. Details of these minor changes will go to all clubs/teams as a separate email. The Overall TOTB3 Champion Award will still be based on total points scored from all 3 events (1/4m drag, handling, Top speed) plus any bonus points gained from the shootout finals. Rocket Ronnie will be back looking for a Hat trick of wins!

The Closing date for all competitor entries is 1st July 2004. There will be a further 2-week period for any last minute team changes or for reserves to take any places that become available. Please note no refunds will be made after 1st July. No changes will be made to any team sheets after 14th July 2004 when the entry lists become final.

Any Traders interested in a display area or Event sponsorship should contact

Any event/team or entry enquiries contact

Event updates will be sent out monthly to all participating groups.
Bye for now
The TOTB team


2,984 posts

288 months

Monday 23rd February 2004
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Can,t wait for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Original Poster:

10,005 posts

278 months

Monday 23rd February 2004
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TOTB 3 Sunday 1st August 2004 Elvington Aerodrome nr York.

Notes- Club/group Announcement- you may post this information on to your competitors and club members as required. A simplified email version for forums/bbs and website has already been sent which contains more relevant general information for competitors and public alike. This announcement is specific info for the participating clubs and competitors.

It’s our pleasure once again to invite you all to Ten of the Best 3. The event takes place again at Elvington aerodrome on Sunday the 1st August 2004. Redline magazine and Japanese Performance will be supporting the event and once again TOTB will be televised in September 04.

We are pleased to announce that a few new clubs have come forward for 2004, in addition to those who took part in TOTB2. This means that the event entry list is already full provisionally, and also that a few new marques will be competing alongside existing entries. (MR2, Fiat Coupe Club, plus We still have limited room for cars that are not part of a club/group entry and these can of course come forward and contact us direct.

The competitor entry forms are available this week on the website, and also are attached to this email.
Spectator ticket prices are held at last year’s prices and are available in advance at £15, or alternatively can be purchased on the gate from 9am at £20 per person. There are no limits on spectating numbers. All event and Ticket details are on

The Closing date for all entry forms for competitors is 1st July 2004. There will be a further 2 weeks then for any last minute team changes or reserves to take any places that become available due to drop outs. Please note no refunds will be made after 1st July. No changes will be made to any team sheets after 14th July 2004.

Entry costs are held once again at £85 per driver. This allows one car, one driver and one passenger into site. Any additional passengers or guests will have to pay on the gate please. All competitors will receive a copy of the event DVD afterwards.

We have a separate entry option available this year for any cars/drivers that are sponsored or run by Tuners / Traders and wish to be listed as such. For £100+vat (per car) their entry will be listed under the Tuner’s name in all the results and DVD footage, and on the official website. Those entrants will still be competing in amongst all other cars as part of the competition, but will be identified as Official Tuner entries. The application form is set up to allow competitors to choose this option if they require. Please note that such cars will still form part of your team entry but can now take advantage of having an Official tuner listing.

The event format remains basically the same, albeit with a few minor tweaks to the drag shootout finals. The Overall TOTB Champion will again be decided on points, as per last year, from all 3 events plus any additional bonus points gained from the shootout finals. The handling shootout will be for the top 5 cars overall at end of qualifying, and will start at 4pm approx. Bonus points are available for winning this one lap shootout. The drag shootout finals begin at 4.15pm approx will be amended slightly in response to competitor requests for individual class finals for fwd, rwd and 4wd cars. The top cars in each class will have their own final, to pick a shootout leader, followed then by a fwd vs. rwd final as in TOTB1. The drag shootout event then culminates in a fastest 2wd vs. 4wd Drag shootout final. (Any bonus points also gained here go toward the overall champion award.) The drag shootouts are all first across the line, not on time.

This format should ensure the emphasis remains on competing well in all 3 events to have a chance of winning overall, while still allowing the individual Classes to have a drag shootout final also.
Trophies will be presented at the closing ceremony at 5pm approx.

Other event changes
We aim to improve on a few aspects this year to improve spectating and the site aspect. A larger area will be available to spectate from in the drag/handling areas, in addition to the top speed viewing area. A bus will again be provided to ferry people to/from the top speed viewing area. More toilets, fencing, better PA, waste removal and other changes are planned. A trade display area is also available this year and traders are already taking up space in this area. Queuing should improve for competitors, as we will be requiring all cars to move off the handling circuit after one lap each and then return to main pitlane. A maximum number of timed laps per car may be implemented, to prevent anyone “hogging” the handling arena, and therefore to ensure everyone gets a fair crack on there. This may not be required though as each car will be forced to return to the main arena after each attempt.

One final major change will be a dedicated Results and Information centre, in the main area. This is where all competitors, team reps and spectators will be able to see the latest leaderboards, times and results, constantly updated throughout the day. A separate PA system will be utilised to ensure everyone is kept abreast of developments. This will also ensure the main drag area is kept clear of people looking for timed run information, as no-one will be allowed into the control van.
The leaderboards and results will be updated at least every 1/2hr from 10.30am to end of qualifying at 3.30pm. Anyone who has qualified for a final can find out direct from the info centre and then be ready to race from 3.50pm onwards. We will be calling them out to run only once, if they are not ready to go at 4pm their opponent gets an automatic bye. Team reps may wish to use this info desk to keep their teams up-to-date and ready to race. This should hopefully ensure we do not have a long period of delay before the finals trying to contact the leaders to come forward to take part. If they are not ready at the allotted time and when called, they get eliminated.

All competitors will receive their info and car entry sticker approx 2 weeks before the event. There will be a limit of one marquee or tent per club, and one general support van / car per club or group in pitlane this year, so please sort out who needs to be in that area and contact us in advance for a pitlane pass for their vehicle. No other vehicles will be allowed without prior agreement and the correct pitlane pass being obtained from us. Trailers can be parked up out of pitlane if done sensibly. Again, contact us for a pass, no trailers will be allowed past the pit gates without one, no excuses. All groups will be allocated their own parking area again. Club banners and flags are welcome, but no unauthorised Trade Advertising. Please make arrangements to come to site on the Saturday afternoon if you wish to set up your marquee and banners in advance. In addition, we will also be signing on and scrutineering cars from 3pm Saturday in pitlane, anyone wishing to do so is welcome. Cars must be left on site once scrutineered, but will be under guard all night, and the site locked off. This will ensure you can get straight into action at 10am the next day without queuing! We would encourage competitors to sign on Saturday afternoon if at all possible. Contact us if you wish to do so.

Finally, all club/group reps not competing themselves will receive a pair of entry tickets and a DVD of the event. We will require you all to ensure your team is at signing on at 9.30am, and ready to race at 10am. Additionally we will require the team reps to be at the result desk at 3.45pm approx to help call in the leading cars to take part in the finals. This should ensure the shootouts run more smoothly.
Rules and regs for cars will be sent out later to you all and to competitors, but you should all know the score by now. Road legal, taxed tested and insured, any mods allowed. Cars will be scrutineered for safety and for tyres. (Any treaded tyre that is DOT or E marked for road use and has legal tread depth is allowed.) Any queries on tyre as usual contact us direct. Any objections to cars/tyres must be raised in person with us before 4pm on the day and any objections to results before 5pm. Our decision is final in all matters. No objections will be entered into after the event.

Any queries whatsoever please drop us a line or give us a ring anytime. Contact is or via Chris Mann 07761 789291.

Hopefully this is clear and concise and can now be passed onto your team members. If you require more general info to use on a website or forum then please use the public announcement text attached.
Any queries please drop me a line.

Chris Mann


Original Poster:

10,005 posts

278 months

Friday 27th February 2004
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I've just printed the entry form (it appeared today) off the TOTB website, and will be posting them down to Steve today, who will then send them out next week to those that have shown an interest to compete (£85)

>> Edited by Viper on Friday 27th February 11:42


Original Poster:

10,005 posts

278 months

Sunday 29th February 2004
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I will need to receive a fully completed form for every competitor,together with a cheque for their entry fees, by the 1st july 2004. After that date
there will be a 2 week period for any minor team changes or replacements, after that date no changes will be allowed. You may send in the team members
forms seperately or all together, as you see fit.
No refunds will be made after 1st july,any reserves would have to refund the person they replace. All payment details and addresses are on the form.

as a point of clarity on the form, you will see that there are two entry fees that can apply:
£85 per incl car for private entries. (as per previousevents). Car will be listed by driver name only. or £100+vat per car- "Tuner" Entry. This can apply directly to a tuner's own car, or to other sponsored private entrants being subsidised by any
particular tuner. This will give them a named company Tuner listing in all the official listings,results/dvd titles etc for that vehicle. (see note below on
team/tuner entrants.)

(Each of the above fees includes 2 entry tickets (one is for the driver) and a copy of the Redline TOTB3 DVD afterward.)Any other persons in the competitor cars will have to pay at the gate or in advance. All competitor cars and official support vehicles will be allocated a pitlane pass this year prior to the event for access during the day.

I need to make clear that any of your team members who wish to be named as a "tuner" entry must to pay the £100+vat fee per car to do so. Such cars
will form part of your team entry of 10 cars (or 5 in some club cases).Any traders or tuners who wish to be assosciated with a team and/or provide support/marquees/banners etc in pitlane must contact us prior to the event to register,as no unauthorised trade advertising or marquees will be allowed.
We do not have room unfortunately for complete new teams of "tuner" entries,so they will have to form part of your teams as usual, but can at
least now identify themselves as Tuners if they wish. Some Tuners who have already contacted us to provide selected single "invite" entries will be confirmed shortly.

We do have a seperate trade display area in the main spectating section should any tuners/traders wish to apply.

We will also consider single car entries for the "invited" class, who will still pay fees as above, but would not be listed under any particular team
or group entry. We have very few spaces left i'm afraid for this option, as the event entry list is already provisionally full. For Redline TOTB3 we
will be asking for proof (by end of june) if need be of performance, before allowing any "unknown" cars to enter. I would ask that all clubs and groups please try and ensure that your teams consist of proven cars only, where possible, as we did have a fair few cars not attend last year due to being unfinished etc. Also ensure you have sufficient reserves available for the
first 2 weeks of july for any team changes.

Any queries on the above, drop us a line anytime

All the best
Redline TOTB3