Great Weekend - LOVE the Viper

Great Weekend - LOVE the Viper



Original Poster:

50 posts

258 months

Monday 13th October 2003
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I know we all love the Viper for what it is. I see a lot of technical/meet info posted here, and not a great deal of stories, personal accounts/events when driving their Viper.... Got any?

You must have been out this weekend in your Viper, enjoying the dry roads, and sunshine?

I LOVE these cars, having driven mine most of last week, and all weekend, playing with GT2's, Porsche Turbo's (eating them of course), and playfully chasing some bikers on the way to Sailisbury....great fact the best fun. There is nothing quite like powersliding at 100mph.

Anyone else notice the respect these cars generate from bikers?

Anybody else out playing this weekend?



4,323 posts

261 months

Monday 13th October 2003
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Picked my car up from a service in Canterbury at the weekend and drove it back to Bedfordshire in the sunshine. Wifey followed in her little Clio. We pulled into CostCo @ Lakeside to get a few bits and as we got close, an old Audi Quattro came flying up the outside lane, cut my wife up and pulled in behind. As we pulled up at the roundabout lights, it drew up alongside and a lad hung out the window with thumbs up and shouted:

"Best car in the world mate, love it"

Sums it up really


10,005 posts

278 months

Monday 13th October 2003
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Leigh came across a queue of traffic to find a car on fire, the fire crew spotted the viper, left the wreck burning out of control and all came over for a 5 min chat, then at the cashpoint had some bloke on his hands and knee's praying Indian stylie while his wife beat him across the head with a french stick telling him to get up and not to be so stupid.

I've had about 4 flashers, not the kind your thinking of, but max power types up the inside trying to take a pic while driving along, I always think I've come across a speed camera, they catch me out everytime


Original Poster:

50 posts

258 months

Tuesday 14th October 2003
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A few years back I was cruising up the M3, towards London, nice sunny day, sitting at a nice casual 2,000rpm in 6'th, when I passed a golf convertible with the top down, and brimming full of young ladies enjoying the sunshine and the wind/bugs in the hair.

They all saw the car, and starting waving, I pull over to the middle lane, in front of them, and slow down, they over take, and as they do so, the leading girl in the passanger seat, preceeds to wind the window down, and err...for want of a better word, flash me, well the car probably. Either way we both enjoyed the effects of 90+ mph on the female upper body.


Love these cars.


2,984 posts

288 months

Tuesday 14th October 2003
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LE-MANS 2003......My wife and her friend were blasting the beast around the circuit and i was taking photos from an open top Elise behind the car,as we slowed down for circuit traffic a large group for Brit Lads heard the beast,looked around and pointed,waved and expleated the words WOW its a F***ing Viper,but as it came nearer they saw the 2 girlys in it and a further comment heard from my seat in the Elise ....."Shi* it its got lasses driving it....that not fair!.........I think their male pride was upset to see such a "Hairy Chested Supercar driven by a woman!.....Another time we were at a car show at GOODWOOD HOUSE parked next to some fantastic cars (Ferrari 250 gt swb, Lambo Muira,AC Cobra Coupe to name but a few)As i sat down behind the Viper for a picnic I noticed a young boy with his dad,the father asked the boy what car he liked the best,was it the Ferrari?No said the boy!,Was it the Lambo asked the father again?No said the boy...but then he reached out and touched the Vipers bonnet badge said....No dad...this ones my favorite as it looks so mean!That comment made my day,more so because I was parked next to a £1,000,000 Ferrari at the time!.....(I wonder if he thinks the same of Diablos?!)


Original Poster:

50 posts

258 months

Monday 27th October 2003
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A fun story from one night last week. Probably gonna get some flack for posting it...but...

Driving home from work, and a rather nice ducati is behind me, the guy hangs back, and does not take any overtaking oppurtunities, so I decide to gun it, to see his reactrion, he accepts the invitation to play, and the chase proceeds.

Not the best of roads at the time for the both of us, narrow and a bit bumpy, but tripple digits were easily in favour, along with 2-3 chicanes (err...I mean roundabouts). I had the beast nice and loose on some of the corners, which was huge fun.

We pull onto a dual carrigeway, and I slow down, for the ducati guy to come along side, he does so, gives me the thumbs up, and then pops a wheelie at 60+ mph, and promptly overtakes two cars on one wheel...

Dual carrige way drops to 1 lane, I get stuck behind some traffic. The road then opened up to two lanes again, and the ducati rider has pulled over, and waits for me go by, he pulls out, and catches up.

At around 80mph, in 3rd, foot to the floor, all the way up through the gears until around 5,500 rpm in 5'th. (you can work out the speed from there ). I gained about 3 cars on him, and then we slowed right down to pull off for a local town (my way home). We come to a stand still at the junction, and he pulls alongside, lifts the visor, huge grin, and gives me two huge thumbs up,and screams something euphoric presumably.

Motorbike riders have so much respect for the Viper, and there is always so much Comraderery and enjoyment when I come across ego's, no competiveness, just enjoyment.


This was late at night, and the roads were clear. I don't drive like this all the time, and only when I believe its safe to do so. The road is well known to me. I don't encourage this sort of driving, and it should only be attempted by trained proffessionals...

but hell it was fun...


2,984 posts

288 months

Monday 27th October 2003
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The last time we had 5,500 rpm on the rev counter it was down a runway at 178 mph(indicated speed was over 190 mph),so just in case you didn,t notice your speed now you know?!!!!!It was dead bum loosening on a runway let but on the public highway.Sound like fun..sort of...What medication are you on?


Original Poster:

50 posts

258 months

Tuesday 28th October 2003
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I've given up on using the speedo. RPM and gear for me..

Maybe thats my problem?


735 posts

258 months

Wednesday 29th October 2003
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Always love to run with the bikers, don't really bother with any cars, but it just happens with bikes! And I have to say the Ducati riders are fab, had most memorable and fun drives with a group of them and also a ZX9R, Hyabusa, R1, Fireblade, Millie 1000, and SP1000. A little word of advice if you're going to do the RMP you mentioned in 5th, make sure your windows are dropped about half an inch, (not snug up into the rubber) or they'll pop out (not right out, but out the runners!!) it results in a sudden noise rush of air and you think the bike in your rear view getting smaller must have just hit nitros or something!!

Have fun and be safe, (and be sure to tell us about it).


735 posts

258 months

Wednesday 29th October 2003
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Viper Exige, come to think of it you have an RT/10 yeah so the windows advice doesn't apply!


Original Poster:

50 posts

258 months

Wednesday 29th October 2003
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Indeed, but thanks anyway!! RPM in 5'th with the roof off is certainly interesting....or should I say brutal..?

I agree about the biker thing, especially ducati riders.

Are there such things as safe risks??


10,005 posts

278 months

Wednesday 29th October 2003
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I remember the good old days of 160 with the roof off windows out, that was scary stuff, wind noise was unbelievable I remember getting lower and lower down in the seat. 160 in the GTS is a breeze and certainly isnt anywhere near as scary


Original Poster:

50 posts

258 months

Thursday 30th October 2003
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Yeah, and its only a bit better with the rear window taken out.. Ah, the thrills of open top motoring...

Not the thing to do on a first date then? Destroying the girlfriends new hair do at 160+...


4,323 posts

261 months

Monday 9th February 2004
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WooHoo... after 6 weeks in the garage, the Viper came out at the weekend (had to make sure it still works before the test tomorrow!).

Not the best of drives, but it must have been a while since anyone in Beds/Herts had seen a Viper. One day, someone's going to crash as they drive past, head turned pointing and smiling

Driving through Stevenage Leisure Park had the missus reach for her sunglasses and slink into the seat. If only I 17 again!!!