


Original Poster:

10,005 posts

276 months

Tuesday 19th November 2002
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Not wanting to detract from Skips post I'll start a new thread, I've read a few posts about fibreglass sills catching fire under the extreme heat from the exhaust not sure which brand was responsible, if you go that route i'd do some careful research. Ali sills
can be repaired (costly) but depends on the extent of the damage, in the process of the GTS's sills being replaced under warranty (£8.7K including painting)so buying them new here is an absolute joke, no ! the old ones have to go back to the US.

On the mechanical side, there are a few that know there stuff in the club pinning them down is more of a problem. There's a GTS owner/mechanic 30 seconds from my house, I'm sure could give excellent advice


256 posts

261 months

Tuesday 19th November 2002
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You are absolutely right- I've read the same info about the Glass figbre ones too! No problems with them on race cars (constantly moving & less/ no cats!), but get stuck in traffic over here, you can possibly get yer a$$ burnt! Last thing I need is to watch my car go up in flames for the sake of saving a few quid!
My ali sills are pretty badly mangled- the car had to be lifted out of a ditch with forks (and no, I wasn't responsible for it being in the ditch!) so I'm going to find a good panel beater and ask his opinion aboiut the repair before I make any decissions.
I'd be interested to get expert advise from your neighbour also, I was going to follow the thread below about the US trained Viper Tech in Surrey- I'll need someone experienced to come and view the car before I start work on it, just in case I've missed something obvious.
Maybe they could do the work as part of the steering recall! In my dreams!