VCA update



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6,629 posts

266 months

Friday 13th September 2013
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There will be a letter going out today to each regional president offering an alternative to the VCA. A new national club with power in the hands of the Regional Presidents, and one that can form (already started) a renewed relationship wtih SRT - without the baggage of recent history.

Interestingly enough - 2 of the original founders of the VCA are doing it again. When these folks have walked away from something they actually feel paternal about - it's time to let it go.

The Regional Presidents have agreed to share this letter with their membership (except 2 Fl regions that were not on the call) so that the membership will be able to determine their collective path forward.

Many car clubs have gone through major shakeups and sadly, scandals. Sometimes, a fresh start is needed to disassociate yourself with a messy past. With Viper CLub of America no longer standing for the epitome of car clubs - it's time to start over. I encourage those folks that are members - or even if you are not and would consider "coming back" if you could get back to having fun and not having to worry about things like transparency and financials (because they get provided FROM DAY ONE and REGULARLY) - then you have an alternative.

I can't be too hard on the new folks -sadly - these guys have snowed a LOT of people for a period of time- I count myself among the formerly snowed (and you guys too - how many thought that Kansas used to be a decent guy?) so they are just in the earlier stages of discovery than we are.

Good things are happening. And I am proud to be a part of them.


5,571 posts

259 months

Saturday 14th September 2013
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VOA said:

To all Viper Club of America members:

Recently, some terrifically unfortunate and significant events have taken place within the Viper Club of America. Many of you have been hearing rumblings with regard to several situations that have now created serious issues and embarrassment for the club. While there is a terrific amount of detail and also a lengthy history to these problems, the unfortunate issues plaguing the VCA have now culminated into some profound negative events taking place. While all specifics are unnecessary to air in this writing, the challenges we are left with have now become insurmountable and recent actions irreversible.

The VCA has indeed been suffering its share of political turmoil for years, much of which has shaped a very strong general distrust toward its national office/officers. While these trust issues have eroded the confidence of the regional members and leadership, even more unsettling events have compounded the issue and publicly validated that distrust. Most recently this year with its newest President, Mr. Stubberfield, his controversial tactics and unconventional leadership style led to an outcry for change in the national office. While his platform promised transparency, reform, involvement, and communication; over the months that ensued much of what has always plagued the club continued: Extensive politics played out as there was no break from past leadership (of which Mr. Stubberfield served as past Treasurer) and allowed their control and negative influence to continue. The club magazine, now two issues behind, was causing member dissatisfaction and also weighed down the club with massive expenses. Regional dues were also delayed as the national office retained funding to ease its own cash flow issues. Problems continued as a poorly executed raffle caused an immense uprising that ensues today and may have significant consequences. Negative publicity relative to Viper Parts of America, its legitimacy, and its CEO continues. The national Secretary and VP pulled away and publicly separated themselves from the activities that were unfolding. Several club regions even began to break away from the VCA, while others threatened the same. All the while, heavy handed censorship continued on the national website forums, disallowing any real news from flowing to members (however many get their news from Viper Garage and Viper Alley).

However, there were even more sentinel events that had occurred in the background. Among them was a complete falling out with our manufacturer early in the year as SRT CEO, Ralph Gilles, attempted to intervene due to the negative publicity the club was causing for the Viper brand. This turmoil was kept secret by the national office, and even from most of its own board members. To the dismay of many, there was even a personal letter sent by one of the national board members to Sergio Marchionne (CEO of Chrysler/Fiat) in an attempt to eliminate Mr. Gilles involvement. Shortly thereafter, another letter (this time anonymous) was sent again to Mr. Marchionne and Chrysler legal - with personal allegations hoping to now personally discredit Mr. Gilles. Sadly, the VCA and Mr. Stubberfield did nothing to impugn the letters or support Mr. Gilles during these personal attacks. The best friend of the club, main Viper-holic, and savior of the Viper brand - was now being attacked because he tried to help fix the club. Chrysler reacted by immediately diffusing the relationship with the VCA and SRT, and implanted a new/unrelated individual from Mopar to act as liaison to the club. Our relationship with the very branch of Chrysler responsible for making our car, SRT, was now changed forever - diminishing one of the deepest values of this club which made it so different from others. However, the new relationship hit an ironic fever pitch when attempts were made by Mr. Stubberfield to publish misrepresentations to the VCA membership relative to the current "rosy" state of that relationship and mutual agreements that were reached. Upon reviewing this letter, Chrysler immediately fired back with a letter contradicting several points of his account. The letters were leaked and went viral, causing a public outcry and another significant push for change began as more evidence of misdirection were clearly proven.

In response to the highly publicized catastrophes, a strong majority of the board of directors had united and began making attempts to unseat Mr. Stubberfield and force change. After multiple unsuccessful requests for him to step down, the board began to use its majority vote to force him from office. When left with no option, Mr. Stubberfield conceded and stated he would resign. Two weeks passed with multiple delays by Mr. Stubberfield to push off his resignation date, but Mr. Stubberfield had a motive...

Finally, on the day he was to send his resignation letter, the most aggressive action in the history of the club was triggered, surprising everyone. Mr. Stubberfield began sending emails, suspending board members (those who opposed him strongly), promoted his treasurer to VP, assigned new board members, and bestowed his presidential powers onto his VP. It was a shocking abuse of his position in an attempt to regain majority control of the board and unseat those who opposed him. Many remaining and influential board members began to resign in disgust. Shortly thereafter, club legal counsel also resigned, separating himself from the aggressive events that had unfolded.

Shortly after executing his plan, Mr. Stubberfield resigned, leaving control again to his "team" which includes his Treasurer and those past leaders behind the scenes who have once again taken control of website/forums and will influence the club. The few innocent who were recently assigned to the board, are completely unaware of what's taken place (and hopefully reading this letter). Their attempts will once again be to make a push to "create new change" under the guise of "saving the club", but with multiple failures, crushing debt, extensive liability, a disgusted membership, regions defecting, key leaders leaving, and a completely decimated relationship with our manufacturer - it leaves few options.

The Future - A New Beginning - Your Call To Action

A historic meeting has just taken place on September 12th, 2013. A live conference call across all national regions took place which included all but 3 US & Canadian regions (almost 40 leaders!). This call discussed the events that have transpired and collectively discussed the future that is unfolding. 90% of the regions on the call stated they wanted to start fresh. It was a historic and celebratory moment.

In an effort to resolve all of the dilemma's, and also recapture those who left the club, a NEW club is being built! We are not the first club to have a major reboot or rebrand - many of the best known car clubs have had their share of scandals and through rebirth have achieved new success. So, for so many reasons, a new club is making its rise - one that will be built upon the spirit which was originally in place in its earliest years. A club built for fun and pride...

Starting Jan 1, 2014, the VIPER OWNERS ASSOCIATION will be born.

Things are moving VERY fast and a group of dedicated leaders (many who were the founding leaders of the original VCA) are working to spearhead the foundation for the new club. The name is pending final agreement, however it seems VIPER OWNERS ASSOCIATION could be likely. Much of what you do regionally is really what's most important, and much of that won't change. The central foundation that we need will be put in place - a website, administration, and a quarterly magazine are all in the plan. However, what we will surely avoid is extensive overhead, big government, processes, politics, and over-reaching control that has existed with the prior club. Building a new club, that focuses on regional control and ownership is the plan. It's uncertain how long, or even if, the national VCA will exist in the near future - but the Viper and regional clubs need to continue with their enjoyment! We know our manufacturer will soon pull us close once again and provide our members support and those special perks that make the club worth it. The website will be up shortly and membership dues collection will begin later this year.

Call to Action - What's Needed From You

How can you help? If you'd like your region to be one of the founding regions of the new VIPER OWNERS ASSOCIATION, you should tell your president that you want to be part of this club!

Spread the news and help educate others. We would like the founding regions to have their positions decided by September 28th.

We've done it before and we'll do it even better this time around. Yes, Viper Club 2.0 is on the way!

Respectfully submitted by these tenured leaders in addition to many supportive regional presidents:

• Maurice Liang
VCA Founding President, VCA NorCal Region Founding President, Past National Secretary, VCA Hall of Fame member, 19 year member
• Steve Ferguson
VCA Co-Founder, Past VCA National VP, Past VCA National Pres, VCA IL Region Founding Pres, VCA Hall of Fame member, 19 year member
• Alex Ristanovic
Current VCA IL Region President, Past National VCA Midwest Director at Large, 19 year member
• Randall Arnold
Past VCA OH Treasurer, Past VCA OH Pres, Past VCA Midwest Zone Director, Past VCA National VP, 12 year member
• Jim Johnson
Current CoUtWy Regional President, VCA SW Zone Director, Past CoUtWy Regional VP, 18 year member
• Adrian Byrd
Past NY/CT VP, Past NY/CT Pres, Past National VCA NE Director at Large, Past VCA NE Zone Director, 11 year member
• Tony Perugini
Current VCA NY/CT Region President, Past VCA NY/CT VP, Past National VCA NE Director at Large, 10 year member
• John Wojnar
Past VCA OH Region VP, Past VCA Ohio President, Past VCA Midwest Zone Director, 14 year member
• Janni Cone
Past Carolinas Region President, Past National Director at Large, 15 year Member


10,005 posts

279 months

Saturday 14th September 2013
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I like the name of viperclub2.0, a lot more than the boring VOA