

Original Poster:

12,820 posts

265 months

Friday 22nd October 2004
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Saw you a couple of times yesterday around my area
A32 and M27
Are you local?

Car looks and sounds great


10,005 posts

284 months

Friday 22nd October 2004
quotequote all

Mark doesn't post on PH, his car was for sale


Original Poster:

12,820 posts

265 months

Friday 22nd October 2004
quotequote all
Thanks (or should I say "fangs") for that.

I have a friend that has shown interest in buying a Viper. Is there a good site for a buying guide?

I have a feeling there is also one in my evo archive. But what issue?


10,005 posts

284 months

Friday 22nd October 2004
quotequote all
viper book

all you need to know about buying a viper, there's been a few vipers in evo over the last couple of years

>> Edited by Viper on Friday 22 October 11:55


Original Poster:

12,820 posts

265 months

Friday 22nd October 2004
quotequote all
Thanks again

viper nigel

380 posts

261 months

Friday 22nd October 2004
quotequote all
My RT/10 Viper is in the EVO buying guide 040 Feb 2002 along with Corvette C5. Also gives GTS specifications and general points to check.


8,271 posts

264 months

Monday 25th October 2004
quotequote all
F4NGS used to "live" in Calcot near Reading as I regularly used to see the car sitting outside the house on the A4!
Your posting reminded me as I had completely forgotten about that car.