Venom 500 has Landed !

Venom 500 has Landed !



Original Poster:

2,984 posts

294 months

Tuesday 19th October 2004
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Yep,glad to say he,s arrived,havn,t been able to see container yet,but hope to be with customs when its opened up tommorrow,I,ll send some pics of the event!(Neil to post....Please!!!!!)Bye 4 Now.


640 posts

268 months

Tuesday 19th October 2004
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Great, glad he has arrived, anxious moments until he actually rolls out of the container. Just make sure the container is the right way up


735 posts

264 months

Wednesday 20th October 2004
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Fab Venoms docked! Yes, pics please!


10,005 posts

284 months

Wednesday 20th October 2004
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Brill news, hope the day go's smoothly


10,005 posts

284 months

Wednesday 20th October 2004
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any news on the



>> Edited by Viper on Wednesday 20th October 19:01


6,630 posts

271 months

Wednesday 20th October 2004
quotequote all
Upsidedown viper cool......
Very good Neil


Original Poster:

2,984 posts

294 months

Wednesday 20th October 2004
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Viper said:
any news on the



Cool ! Off to see container opened in a few hours!Just hope no salt water has got on the alloys...(6 weeks of Viper wheels in salt waterCOULD BE SITTING ON ITS HUBS!

>> Edited by Viper on Wednesday 20th October 19:01


Original Poster:

2,984 posts

294 months

Thursday 21st October 2004
quotequote all
Just been to container port to check it out,look fine except some rubbing to the nose stripe but insurance will sort this,reconnected + battery tender connection and started first time.....Ohhh what a sweet sound...Just doubled the number of GTS,s now there are 2 GTS,s in the South Island.Drove the beast around the port and it felt Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh SO GOOD!Just can,t wait to drive it on the empty open road.(Neil should be posting a few pics....Thanks Neil..again)


10,005 posts

284 months

Thursday 21st October 2004
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cool, get them pics over. Just got to get it passed then, when does this take place ? hope then you can hold onto to your driving license..

Viper GTS

261 posts

266 months

Thursday 21st October 2004
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Congrats Tom

Must have been a great feeling to fire the beast up again after so long!

Looking forward to the pics!


10,005 posts

284 months

Thursday 21st October 2004
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nice plate on the mitsubishi ! the rubbing doesnt look to bad at all

>> Edited by Viper on Thursday 21st October 15:26


Original Poster:

2,984 posts

294 months

Thursday 21st October 2004
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Thanks Neil for posting the pics ! Hope to get it licenced for the road in a few weeks as i need to move from our rented house to our new house (next friday)I need to remove all the safety items like harness and rol cage as the car need to be standard to pass.Then i,ll put the stuff back on it.They do test for noise so thanks to Paul for the exhaust,your welcome to drop over if you need it back


Original Poster:

2,984 posts

294 months

Thursday 21st October 2004
quotequote all
Viper GTS said:
Congrats Tom

Must have been a great feeling to fire the beast up again after so long!

Looking forward to the pics!
Thanks Rob !Yes it felt really good,it was like seeing one of the family again!


10,005 posts

284 months

Thursday 21st October 2004
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what plate you gonna run ?


Original Poster:

2,984 posts

294 months

Friday 22nd October 2004
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Hope to put the Mitsi plate on it (50c to transfer plates car to car...)Its at home at last !


735 posts

264 months

Saturday 23rd October 2004
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Thanks for the pics, nice to see fellow colours and fast running Venom again, we miss you back here in UK. Looks lovely out there though, enjoy


Original Poster:

2,984 posts

294 months

Sunday 24th October 2004
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Cheers Nad .Hope to see some of you fellow Viper owners visiting us here in NZ!!
It is great here!