Radar Detectors

Radar Detectors



Original Poster:

2,984 posts

294 months

Friday 15th October 2004
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Due to recent developments in N.Z please could i have some input and what Radar Detectors work the best,an early Xmas present!


10,005 posts

284 months

Friday 15th October 2004
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brought a job lot of Valentine 1 from the USA(valentine1.com) a while back for a few members, they work really well on gatso's and dont give off to many false alarms. They tell you which camera's are working/not working, and have front and rear protection as well. Haven't been laser tested as yet, so not sure how good that part of the system is. You need to check NZ frequencies. Half price compared to UK prices, if you buy direct, but they wont export so you need someone within the US to receive it to get the best price

I know viper larry has recently swapped his to a GPS type system, road angel ?

>> Edited by Viper on Friday 15th October 10:00


4,347 posts

267 months

Friday 15th October 2004
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Valentine 1 was great, but there's talk of the govt here banning radar detectors. I took the opportunity to trade mine in with a company 'Bling' put me onto for a Road Angel 2. This device is fab but will only work in the UK

Best bit is, it provides a large constant readout of your speed in MPH which is good seeing as my speedo is in KMH It's dead accurate too showing the Viper speedo is out by around 5%

Phoenix Viper

747 posts

255 months

Saturday 16th October 2004
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Could recommend the Origin b2 solo fantastic bit of kit and laser protection to (hope it works) but of course no good for the NZ Viper club


10,005 posts

284 months

Saturday 16th October 2004
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one of the red vipers today had a very discreet lazer jammer under the front plate wired into his Origin


13,694 posts

263 months

Saturday 16th October 2004
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Exactly what type of defence are you after? Radar & laser are two very different things.


Original Poster:

2,984 posts

294 months

Saturday 16th October 2004
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I need a defence for the instant on devices they use here.Also the cops go to the length of buying old bangers (vans),sticking them on the side of the road and waiting for another poor mug driving a few KPH over the limit..easy money for the Government!And i thought the U.K was bad,make no mistake the cops are turning it into a turkey shoot,they make it an art for and never bother standing by the side of the road,but rather in stealth mode,.....Can you connect a VAL 1 to a Jammer?


36 posts

252 months

Saturday 16th October 2004
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I have an Escort SRX installed in my Viper. It has a combination of radar detection, and laser jamming. The radar detector doesn't have the directional arrows of the Valentine, but detection range and sensitivity are comparable. (I have a Valentine 1 I use on my other car, and I have run it simultaneosly with the Escort to compare ranges.) The Escort's laser jamming is superb. It has saved me on more than one occasion.

The Escort is quite discreet. It is not windshield mounted, so there is no dangling power cord. The laser jammers are mounted in the front facia and below the rear license plate. The radar detector is mounted behind the front facia. The control box is small and can be mounted anywhere in the cabin that you want it.

It's a great system. The SRX is rather expensive, but it has more than paid for itself for me.


