Warning bikes behind of danger

Warning bikes behind of danger


Sam Aigal

Original Poster:

39 posts

13 months

Wednesday 26th June
quotequote all
Long one so TLDR how do you warn other riders behind you of approaching danger?

So yesterday I'm heading home taking a route that includes one of my favourite stretches of local road. It's about 5 miles or so of wide sweepers, a few good straights, few line of sight obstructions and no cameras. There's a small hamlet about half way with some tighter corners.
Right at the start I find myself behind a car driving in a very "spirited" way. He's cutting corners and going wide on the approaches.
I don't know if he's trying to race me but I'm not interested, I'm happy to just stick with him making it obvious I have no intention of trying to overtake.
As we come through the hamlet we both slow down and a car pulls out in front of him. Not in any way dangerous or unusual and then proceeds to drive at a bit under the limit.
When you exit the hamlet the road opens up again and it's obvious to me that mr proto formula 1 driver is going to floor it and overtake so I'm waiting for this.
As we get to where it opens up I get a blast in my ear from a bike going WOT past me. He'd obviously caught up during the hamlet part but I hadn't noticed ( yes, I should have!) At this point I take a big intake of breath cos I know what's going to happen next. Sure enough Mr F1 flicks his indicator once and pulls straight out to overtake just as the bike is getting to his rear quarter.
Fortunately the bike, by nearly swerving into the ditch and ramming on the brakes, managed to avoid him but it was soooooo close.
The question is , if I had noticed the bike approaching what if anything should I have done?
The option I guess are block him, yes I'd look like a dick but at least I'd have prevented him at the very least having to wash his underwear?
Raise a hand and wave or something but I guess he's not going to know what I mean by it?
Or just do nothing, his ride, his choice, his risk?