Bike Insurance



Original Poster:

1,214 posts

213 months

Friday 28th June
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Noticing comparison sites are a bit crap when it comes to bikes. Can anyone recommend a good insurer, ideally one that does multi bike as I'll be getting a 2nd bike soon, either for fun or commuting.


16,473 posts

275 months

Friday 28th June
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Been using bikesure for over 5 years now, multibike policy, can have modified bikes, all good. Not the cheapest but not most expensive either.


120 posts

14 months

Saturday 29th June
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BeMoto are pretty awesome.


2,354 posts

174 months

Yesterday (08:47)
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redface SHOCK, HORROR redface
My bike insurance with CAROLENASH has gone down from £ 107.13 to £103.76. Fully comp, 1700 Triumph night storm, ole duffer of 67.


7,801 posts

205 months

Yesterday (09:31)
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Bennett's has been good for me this year for multi bike.


153 posts

57 months

Yesterday (10:04)
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My renewal from Bike Sure went up this year (went down last year to £487). This year's offer was £600+. Rang them up and ironically they could do it then for £360.


6,386 posts

253 months

Yesterday (10:10)
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I have 3 bikes on a multi policy with Bemoto, last year it was £343, this year £335.. I’m 52 living Hertfordshire


1,725 posts

193 months

Yesterday (10:30)
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Killboy said:
Bennett's has been good for me this year for multi bike.
Bennetts for me was three times the price of others. It has been every time I have quoted from them.
Carole Nash were good for me too, £90 last year but nothing showed on comparison sites this year.
Comp sites have been good for me tbh.


1,949 posts

48 months

Yesterday (10:38)
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It does seem that the massive increases in pricing has started to come to an end... Obviously there will be outliers in both directions, but the regular postings of horror about 'this year's premium has gone up XXX percent!!' are becoming less common, and people saying 'I renewed recently and it was within £20 of last year' a more frequent response to them.

Discendo Discimus

414 posts

35 months

Yesterday (10:52)
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I use OneCall who are absolutely useless when it comes to getting in touch - but they're cheap.

Might give Bemoto a try next.


4,021 posts

130 months

Yesterday (16:41)
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I've always found that two separate policies are cheaper than multibike, even without the no-claims.


8,137 posts

29 months

Yesterday (17:06)
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Donbot said:
I've always found that two separate policies are cheaper than multibike, even without the no-claims.
Same here.

I'm with Bennetts, very cheap for me.

There are not that many players in the market, you just have to get quotes from the likely providers.


7,801 posts

205 months

Yesterday (20:13)
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Donbot said:
I've always found that two separate policies are cheaper than multibike, even without the no-claims.
Yeah, although you can only use NCD on one. So I've started a new policy for one bike to start accruing another


394 posts

76 months

Yesterday (20:32)
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I'm currently with bennetts who have been much cheaper for me the last 3 years. Before that I was bouncing around annually with Hastings and a few others. Definitely feels like bennetts values customer loyalty as when on comparison sites all others were throwing up increases of between £200 and £500 on a policy which normally costs me around £400ish when it came to renewal time whilst bennetts dropped by about £50 for the year taking me to something like £365 for the year.


497 posts

63 months

Killboy said:
Donbot said:
I've always found that two separate policies are cheaper than multibike, even without the no-claims.
Yeah, although you can only use NCD on one. So I've started a new policy for one bike to start accruing another
When I rang bennetts last week (the day before my renewal was due), I asked how much to add another bike on the policy (currently just the one) and it dropped 90 quid! (from 550 to 460)


699 posts

129 months

Anyone calling BeMoto mention 44 teeth and they will give an excess payment refund (or whatever its called) for free.


242 posts

238 months

Recent quote for Vstrom 1050. With licence held 1year and 1 year ncb. Se London. Guess who will not be getting a new bike this year