Frog bike handlebar height?
Having dragged his bike out from winter slumber it seems my boy has grown. Now the saddle is easy to adjust but it seems the handle bars have very little adjustment; there are 2 collars below the handlebars and when the top cover is removed there is no more adjustment left once the handle bars are replaced.
But they seem a bit low really. He's 9 so in the age range for this bike and there is plenty of seat height adjustment left. It seems you can buy a new stem which looks higher but surely the bike should have adequate adjustment range for the age group it is aimed at.
I don't think I'm missing something but very happy to be corrected.
But they seem a bit low really. He's 9 so in the age range for this bike and there is plenty of seat height adjustment left. It seems you can buy a new stem which looks higher but surely the bike should have adequate adjustment range for the age group it is aimed at.
I don't think I'm missing something but very happy to be corrected.
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