Cleaning bugs off



Original Poster:

4,399 posts

242 months

Thursday 12th October 2023
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My Merlin jacket is covered in bugs, but I'm not sure how to get them off?

The finish is a soft matte finish, so not wipe clean like more shiny leather, and I think a stiff brush might mark it too.

Any tips or recommendations to get the dried insects off?

Jules Sunley

4,260 posts

104 months

Thursday 12th October 2023
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Bob_Defly said:
My Merlin jacket is covered in bugs, but I'm not sure how to get them off?

The finish is a soft matte finish, so not wipe clean like more shiny leather, and I think a stiff brush might mark it too.

Any tips or recommendations to get the dried insects off?

Username checks out smile


1,627 posts

217 months

Thursday 12th October 2023
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Does this cover your jacket?


425 posts

84 months

Thursday 12th October 2023
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My leather jacket is similiar soft material like that; I mist on warm water on the dead stuff, leave for a minute and then wipe off with baby wipes - sems to get the lion's share of the splatter matter off!


1,953 posts

22 months

Friday 13th October 2023
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bit of washing up liquid in the shower, no need for fancy products, wet first then use a sponge, leather is amazingly resistant, dont get too wet tho. and a bit of saddle oil after. always worked for me, 20 odd years of racing, so lots of bugs, also works on boots, and a visor washed in washing up liquid doesnt steam up as much, works better than most anti fog etc products ive tried.


2,958 posts

193 months

Friday 13th October 2023
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Lay some damp / slightly wet kitchen towel over it for 10 to 15 minutes and they will just wipe right off.


633 posts

280 months

Friday 13th October 2023
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Jules Sunley said:
Username checks out smile

Biker 1

8,067 posts

130 months

Friday 13th October 2023
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Dab on water with a sponge, leave for a few minutes, wipe with damp cloth, then gently go over with a dry cloth...


611 posts

71 months

Friday 13th October 2023
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Baby wipes are brilliant for this.

Then kitchen/paper towels to dry

You're welcome

Far Cough

2,354 posts

179 months

Friday 13th October 2023
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boil kettle....... pour boiling water onto a tea towel and then lay the tea towel over the effected area and leave for a few minutes. Once softened they will wipe off easy as. Leave to dry naturally.

I`d leave any detergent off at this point for fear of marking the jacket or changing the look.


304 posts

208 months

Saturday 14th October 2023
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I’ve used pears soap on my leathers initially with a soft brittle brush, seems to get most of the bugs to budge.