CBT - 20mph limit



Original Poster:

24 posts

82 months

Monday 18th September 2023
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Hi guys,

Not a biker yet but planning on doing the CBT after Christmas. Being Welsh I now have to deal with Labours stupid 20mph limit, is it any harder riding a motorbike at lower speeds due to not having as much momentum or won’t it make much difference?
I know you do slow speed manoeuvres before the on-road part of the CBT which should hopefully let you get the hang of it.


Chainsaw Rebuild

2,078 posts

113 months

Monday 18th September 2023
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You will be fine, you will begin by riding slower than that on the CBT.


805 posts

118 months

Monday 18th September 2023
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I seem to vaguely recall doing the U turn / emergency stop whilst out on the road riding bit of my CBT, but could be wrong.

It shouldn’t be an issue with the 20mph limit, just bloody annoying.


4,164 posts

138 months

Monday 18th September 2023
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I suppose the good thing about a 125 is that 20mph doesn't feel all that slow hehe


18,809 posts

220 months

Monday 18th September 2023
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It's the 60 limits you have to worry about on a 125.


6,616 posts

203 months

Monday 18th September 2023
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WoodyS27 said:
Hi guys,

Not a biker yet but planning on doing the CBT after Christmas. Being Welsh I now have to deal with Labours stupid 20mph limit, is it any harder riding a motorbike at lower speeds due to not having as much momentum or won’t it make much difference?
I know you do slow speed manoeuvres before the on-road part of the CBT which should hopefully let you get the hang of it.

After your CBT, you'll need to cope with riding in heavy traffic. Riding at slow speed is an essential skill.

But a blanket 20mph limit is stupid.


452 posts

64 months

Monday 18th September 2023
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The only thing I can think of is you might find yourself looking down at the speedo more than you would on a 30 limit, which then districts you from the road.

Seriously dumb law.


494 posts

43 months

Tuesday 19th September 2023
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It’s probably harder to control at 20..get it,out the way and then ignore that limit…unless you see a camera or a meat wagon around


247 posts

156 months

Wednesday 20th September 2023
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Donbot said:
I suppose the good thing about a 125 is that 20mph doesn't feel all that slow hehe
Yes it does. 😄


7,365 posts

194 months

Wednesday 20th September 2023
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Bikes fall over below 20.


2,689 posts

190 months

Thursday 21st September 2023
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we should probably put stabilisers on our bikes just in the even we go below 30mph


1,272 posts

165 months

Thursday 21st September 2023
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keep your head up for balance - dont look down.


397 posts

150 months

Thursday 21st September 2023
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Newer bikes I've ridden have a very on/off throttle response so sticking to 20 can be a bit jerky. Heard remaps can fix this or go for older bikes.

125s are perfect for 20 limits though.


297 posts

58 months

Thursday 21st September 2023
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WoodyS27 said:
Hi guys,

Not a biker yet but planning on doing the CBT after Christmas. Being Welsh I now have to deal with Labours stupid 20mph limit, is it any harder riding a motorbike at lower speeds due to not having as much momentum or won’t it make much difference?
I know you do slow speed manoeuvres before the on-road part of the CBT which should hopefully let you get the hang of it.

In my experience it is all about confidence. Most of the off road part of the CBT will be slow speed manoeuvres (well below 20mph), so the more time you spend practicing them, the more confident you will be at slow speeds. Just go for it and have fun.


6,425 posts

213 months

Thursday 21st September 2023
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1-2 mph is tricky 3-5 is a bit awkward over 5 is easy.

Enjoy the learning process, it's one of the best things I've done.