What is this (TTR250 related)

What is this (TTR250 related)



Original Poster:

413 posts

106 months

Sunday 17th September 2023
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Good morning. Googling around finding parts I need and parts I want for my TTR and stumbled across this:

What is it?!

With no description in the advert I can’t figure out whether this is a need or a want, or possibly neither!


9,261 posts

261 months

Sunday 17th September 2023
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Looks like it could be a quick action throttle thing.

Edit its a stunt easy pull clutch thing


Edited by Jazoli on Sunday 17th September 09:43


6,139 posts

66 months

Sunday 17th September 2023
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At a guess... Quick action throttle widget.


994 posts

125 months

Sunday 17th September 2023
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Complete guess but could be to change the action of the clutch for off road riding?


Original Poster:

413 posts

106 months

Sunday 17th September 2023
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Every day’s a school day!
Think that falls out of my need and want categories, which are usually very broad!

the tribester

2,661 posts

97 months

Sunday 17th September 2023
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For lighter clutch pull.