Chinese parts



Original Poster:

1,775 posts

189 months

Monday 11th September 2023
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My 2007 fireblade isn't charging. A quick test with the multimeter as per the Haynes manual shows an alternator fault.

A new Honda stator is about £500

A secondhand one with similar miles to mine is £150

A Chinese copy is £60 but I just had a 'deal' come through on email offering it at half price.

I'm going to go for the Chinese one, it's half an hour to fit it and if it fails, well lesson learnt.

Anyone got good / bad stories about pattern parts from China?


28,269 posts

274 months

Monday 11th September 2023
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The issue as always is quality control - or lack of it - some of them are fine, some of them are not

I know people have had problems with the cheap shorty levers but I've had them on every bike without an issue

With rectifiers frying batteries I've avoided the Chinese ones and just buy a used one from a model that doesn't suffer issues and modify my plug to suit

I bought a couple of "Akrapovic" exhausts, they were fine and seemed well made


417 posts

148 months

Monday 11th September 2023
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When I last needed a stator I had mine rewound by West Country Windings (now in Essex) who turned it around in a few days. I can't remember the cost just now but think it was less than your secondhand price. Luckily it also meant my Ducati could go from 2 phase to 3 phase as I was changing to a MOSFET reg/rec at the same time, so charging was massively improved. Worth phoning them to see what they can do and a lot less risk than Chinese parts.


1,330 posts

48 months

Monday 11th September 2023
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stang65 said:
When I last needed a stator I had mine rewound by West Country Windings (now in Essex) .
For a VFR I think they charged about £180


12,661 posts

241 months

Monday 11th September 2023
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Upinflames said:
My 2007 fireblade isn't charging. A quick test with the multimeter as per the Haynes manual shows an alternator fault.
Are you sure it’s not a regulator / rectifier fault? Hondas are arch for it.

I wouldn’t be going for a Chinese stator if that in fact turns out to be the issue.