Parking in central london
Planning to ride in tomorrow for the first time as the job warrants just a few hand tools and laptop. I hope to be a couple of hours and it will be circa 5pm time.
The job is in Farringdon and the only concern I have is my bike getting nicked. I have a brake disc lock but that’s it.
What say you regular commuters? Bikes is a CBR650R
The job is in Farringdon and the only concern I have is my bike getting nicked. I have a brake disc lock but that’s it.
What say you regular commuters? Bikes is a CBR650R
Personally I would park in a Q park eg oxford st and then Elizabeth line to Farringdon
I’ll be coming in from south east so to park at Oxford st and train it over feels like a backward move (but I know that carpark and I appreciate the idea)
I’ve now ordered a heavy duty Oxford chain and lock from Halfords on route. I’ve found some spaces on street view with the ground loops so I’ll use that and the disc lock and fingers crossed.
I’m all to aware of what the scum are capable of, it’s an unnecessary worry none of us need to deal with!
I’ve now ordered a heavy duty Oxford chain and lock from Halfords on route. I’ve found some spaces on street view with the ground loops so I’ll use that and the disc lock and fingers crossed.
I’m all to aware of what the scum are capable of, it’s an unnecessary worry none of us need to deal with!
If you see this in time,go park in the underground car park beneath Smithfield Market, its free, dry and as safe as it gets, 5 or 6 minute walk to Farringdon Station
Regular bike I'd happily park on the street. Sportsbike, maybe not as afaik they get nicked more.
As suggested, there are free City of London carparks and you would be unlucky to have anything stolen from there. There is another City of London carpark a bit towards the river from Saint Pauls.
As suggested, there are free City of London carparks and you would be unlucky to have anything stolen from there. There is another City of London carpark a bit towards the river from Saint Pauls.
I’ve found lots of the ground anchors in Westminster are unusable due to being damaged/jammed.
More likely now would be a pair of scrotes on a scooter cutting through your chain and brake disc, breaking the steering lock and then pushing the bike away. They are quite proficient at this and can have the bike away quite swiftly.
More likely now would be a pair of scrotes on a scooter cutting through your chain and brake disc, breaking the steering lock and then pushing the bike away. They are quite proficient at this and can have the bike away quite swiftly.
There was a dedicated bay near my old office (paddington); I used to leave a bloody great chain in a locker at work ( i'm pretty sure some ships use smaller to hold an anchor), sod lugging that about.. anything less than 16mm can be snipped with long handled bolt cutters, but with battery tools they can pretty much get through anything in next to no time. I used to put a cover on mine too. All you can do is make yours less easy/obvious to try to steal than whoever you park near and hope it is enough. s
t state of affairs really...

Hi all, well I still have my bike which is good! I used a big oxford chain in a ground anchor and a disc lock! I got back to it at 8pm and it was totally alone so looked very vulnerable! Smithfield market is a great shout, annoyed I didn’t see these replies as I used to have an office based in there so know it well
Hi all, well I still have my bike which is good! I used a big oxford chain in a ground anchor and a disc lock! I got back to it at 8pm and it was totally alone so looked very vulnerable! Smithfield market is a great shout, annoyed I didn’t see these replies as I used to have an office based in there so know it well
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