Where to get floating brake discs re riveted?

Where to get floating brake discs re riveted?



Original Poster:

1,410 posts

237 months

Wednesday 26th July 2023
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Any recommendations for where I can send fully floating brake discs to have the rivets replaced? (They’ve worn to having a bit to much float)


4,135 posts

167 months

Wednesday 26th July 2023
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I don't even know anyone that still does that!

Most folks will just buy a whole new disc these days.


8,952 posts

251 months

Wednesday 26th July 2023
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Will do the job and can provide custom discs which if you wish, can closely match OE look of older/classic bikes .


2,018 posts

94 months

Thursday 27th July 2023
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If the rivets are worn the discs are probably end of life.