New to me bike day



Original Poster:

413 posts

106 months

Wednesday 26th July 2023
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Sold my Tuono 660 as was wasted on me.
Always fancied a Guzzi, so now scratching that itch.


2,442 posts

277 months

Wednesday 26th July 2023
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Wasted why?
Still getting to know mine


Original Poster:

413 posts

106 months

Wednesday 26th July 2023
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Tuono was a fab bike. But I just plodded around and it didn’t really suit how I ride now.


612 posts

71 months

Wednesday 26th July 2023
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Lovely. Always fancied a MG (specifically the V85 TT) and if I could have a 2nd bike to go alongside the KTM SAS (or rather SWMBO permitted it) I'd get a one of these.


6,440 posts

261 months

Wednesday 26th July 2023
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Very nice. Life’s too short not to scratch that itch! Enjoy.


221 posts

105 months

Friday 28th July 2023
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Lovely! I've been half-thinking of getting back into biking, and the Guzzi V7 Special really appeals to me.


27,212 posts

192 months

Friday 28th July 2023
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How you getting on with it? Seen a few of them about and they always look great

Pat Testing

40,328 posts

198 months

Friday 28th July 2023
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ThreadKiller said:

Sold my Tuono 660 as was wasted on me.
Always fancied a Guzzi, so now scratching that itch.


28,279 posts

274 months

Friday 28th July 2023
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I love the Guzzi engine - huge character, just makes me smile when it rocks at idle


12,287 posts

240 months

Friday 28th July 2023
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Nice bike! I hope you have many happy miles together.


3,182 posts

78 months

Friday 28th July 2023
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Love it, they sound fantastic


Original Poster:

413 posts

106 months

Friday 28th July 2023
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Krikkit said:
How you getting on with it? Seen a few of them about and they always look great
Not managed to have a ride yet! Hopefully will get out this weekend and provide an update.


Original Poster:

413 posts

106 months

Saturday 29th July 2023
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Had first ride out today. Ended up at Monyash in Derbyshire and had a very nice stilton salad with cup of tea.
Met a nice gentleman called Clifford (V85TT) who told me about the local Guzzi owners meet at a nice pub on the A6.
And was pleased with the V7. Quite a visceral experience. Handled nicely. Nice torque. And comfy. Rev limit is quite a lot lower than I’m used to so bounced off the rev limiter more than once and brakes not as sharp as by ex-Tuono.
Overall very pleased with it. Looks great and suits my current riding style very well.