zx7r/zx7rr owners



Original Poster:

1,237 posts

20 months

Sunday 23rd July 2023
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Any zx7r/RR owners here? thinking of building one again. wondering if anyone else has something they've been tinkering with?


994 posts

125 months

Monday 24th July 2023
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Yep, although mine will be going up for sale after I've done a classic trackday at Donington this Friday as I fancy an enduro bike for the winter and already have other road bikes.

This is my second P1 - for me the only one to have I don't really like any of the later paint schemes!


282 posts

72 months

Monday 24th July 2023
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Not an owner but have owned one, same as in the pic above, great bikes imo they look so good and ride very well.


507 posts

236 months

Monday 24th July 2023
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Owned it for 7 years now, longer than any of my other bikes to date.

I'm rather fond of it biggrin


831 posts

88 months

Monday 24th July 2023
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Have had 2, really regret selling the last one I had.


902 posts

215 months

Monday 24th July 2023
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Still miss mine frown


1,192 posts

217 months

Monday 24th July 2023
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I have two ZXR750’s an L3 and M1, would like a nice P or N at some point, I simply love these bikes. They are the perfect road sportsbike in so many ways. You have to work them, but you can wring every last rpm out of them and use the full performance, something you can’t really do with a modern 1000cc+ bike.

Edited by NITO on Monday 24th July 14:35