Consensus on best training schools?

Consensus on best training schools?



Original Poster:

570 posts

206 months

Sunday 23rd July 2023
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Hello all, newbie here.

I always wanted to scratch my itch for a motorcycle. I've got family overseas who regularly do summer bike trips and I'd love to join them. I'm in my forties, I have a full driving licence.

Is there a consensus from this group on which riding schools offer the best training? I'm Yorkshire based and happy to spend the money on a decent training school. Flexibility around my job would also be a plus as my work involves last minute trips out of town quite regularly.

Thank you


4,871 posts

195 months

Sunday 23rd July 2023
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Yorkshires a big place? Are talking Scarborough or Pontefract?


12,665 posts

241 months

Sunday 23rd July 2023
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Go to your nearest one for the cbt.

You’ll get a feel for how they are on that and if you don’t like them you won’t have lost much, if anything.

Marquezs Stabilisers

1,683 posts

72 months

Sunday 23rd July 2023
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I used to work for Phoenix Motorcycle Training in South London. Phoenix has branches all over the country and they did have standards you were supposed to operate to in addition to the CBT syllabus. If they have one near you I'd recommend them


4,460 posts

55 months

Sunday 23rd July 2023
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I used 7 years ago when I was returning to biking.

They're based near York.

I'd recommend them.