MCE goes into administration (again)

MCE goes into administration (again)



Original Poster:

7,356 posts

176 months

Tuesday 18th July 2023
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Apparently MCE Insurance has gone into administration.

Bad news for the thousands of people with insurance through them

Dog Star

16,775 posts

179 months

Tuesday 18th July 2023
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I’m not surprised - their business must have taken a huge hit after the last fiasco, and combined with their absolutely awful reputation they were set up to fail.

Beyond people in London who have no choice who else insured with them?


1,333 posts

48 months

Tuesday 18th July 2023
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Christ, brace yourself for 3,000,000 posts a day about it for the next 3 months.


396 posts

43 months

Tuesday 18th July 2023
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Ffs I really struggle with insurance, these are the only ones that don't shaft me.


1,054 posts

55 months

Wednesday 19th July 2023
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boyse7en said:
Apparently MCE Insurance has gone into administration.

Bad news for the thousands of people with insurance through them
Their policy remains live.