It's a great idea. It's a shame it wasn't around in the last century really as I think fewer children are now becoming drivers and how are they going to notice motorcycles or any other vehicles if they grow up with their eyes fixed on their mobile phones all of the time.
I've never had a smart phone, but considering getting one for the maps and the ability to be able to use Waze to warn of camera vans, I don't agree with siting them in a layby on an NSL dual carriageway over the brow of a hill, and potholes.
I've never had a smart phone, but considering getting one for the maps and the ability to be able to use Waze to warn of camera vans, I don't agree with siting them in a layby on an NSL dual carriageway over the brow of a hill, and potholes.
poo at Paul's said:
Presume you’d need an external camera live streaming to their phones……
Yep – 
though its done the rounds before
in the village where H Styles ESQ worked and went to school, the recently opened pub has caused some controversy by having certain rules including only well-behaved little t

great people might actually communicate and get to know one another
TimmyMallett said:
Waynester said:
Yep, good thinking..and keep the kids busy on long journeys. We did similar as kids, except it would be ‘first to see a yellow car’ etc..
Reminds me of..

Is he saying ....'If you see a gap, wind it on'?Reminds me of..

I don't think I'm old enough....
They were quite hard hitting ads.. literally.
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