Bad News for Road Racing? :-(

Bad News for Road Racing? :-(



Original Poster:

3,759 posts

126 months

Tuesday 11th July 2023
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Could be bad news for road racing, especially with the insurance issues earlier this year. RIP to those taken :-(


65 months

Wednesday 12th July 2023
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Rip to those involved.
I fear its only a matter of time before headline sponsors of the TT won't want to be associated with it.

Sidecar Man

649 posts

72 months

Wednesday 12th July 2023
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Yeah very tragic news.. Having done the Southern in 2013 I vowed never to return.


4,479 posts

57 months

Wednesday 12th July 2023
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And this is why there is the problems there are

It is not riders, this is far, far worse as this affects insurance and councils and the very people that you ask to run races. They might be willing, but the world is now run by insurance companies and lawyers, they decide what you can and cannot do.

It has literally grown out of its environment sadly, only the very biggest races will survive and it will not be long before rallying follows the same route, luckily there incidents involving spectators are few and far between.


9,233 posts

187 months

Wednesday 12th July 2023
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Sidecar Man said:
Yeah very tragic news.. Having done the Southern in 2013 I vowed never to return.
Thoughts with all concerned frown

Is the Southern circuit that scary/dodgy to ride then?

Also will you be racing at Cadwell August bank holiday?


3,665 posts

162 months

Wednesday 12th July 2023
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Terrible news indeed, couple of spectators injured also from what I read.


90,152 posts

295 months

Wednesday 12th July 2023
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"Following the serious incident that occurred during the final lap of last night’s practice session, the Southern 100 can confirm that the remainder of the event is now cancelled. The Clerk of the Course has taken the decision to cancel the remainder of the event due to the ongoing investigations and this continues to be the priority of the organisation."


3,665 posts

162 months

Wednesday 12th July 2023
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FourWheelDrift said:

"Following the serious incident that occurred during the final lap of last night’s practice session, the Southern 100 can confirm that the remainder of the event is now cancelled. The Clerk of the Course has taken the decision to cancel the remainder of the event due to the ongoing investigations and this continues to be the priority of the organisation."
Just read that myself...


13,092 posts

199 months

Wednesday 12th July 2023
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Overdue, surely?

Sidecar Man

649 posts

72 months

Wednesday 12th July 2023
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Tango13 said:
Thoughts with all concerned frown

Is the Southern circuit that scary/dodgy to ride then?

Also will you be racing at Cadwell August bank holiday?
I didn't enjoy it. It's very tight and walls everywhere. With it being a mass start. It's a bit wild. bouncebounce

We don't do that BSB round we are at Cadwell 5-6 th August for Sidecar Festival.


1,024 posts

211 months

Wednesday 12th July 2023
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Sidecar Man said:
Tango13 said:
Thoughts with all concerned frown

Is the Southern circuit that scary/dodgy to ride then?

Also will you be racing at Cadwell August bank holiday?
I didn't enjoy it. It's very tight and walls everywhere. With it being a mass start. It's a bit wild. bouncebounce

We don't do that BSB round we are at Cadwell 5-6 th August for Sidecar Festival.
It was my first ever road race back in 2010 and it was a real eye opener, especially as it chucked it down with rain for the newcomers laps!
It is such tragic news what has happened and I do wonder what the future will hold for road races next year.


9,233 posts

187 months

Wednesday 12th July 2023
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Sidecar Man said:
Tango13 said:
Thoughts with all concerned frown

Is the Southern circuit that scary/dodgy to ride then?

Also will you be racing at Cadwell August bank holiday?
I didn't enjoy it. It's very tight and walls everywhere. With it being a mass start. It's a bit wild. bouncebounce

We don't do that BSB round we are at Cadwell 5-6 th August for Sidecar Festival.
Mass start? I can see that being a bit 'sporting'

I'll try and pop up on the 6th to say hello, ask stoopid question and generally get under your feet.

Sidecar Man

649 posts

72 months

Wednesday 12th July 2023
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Tango13 said:
Mass start? I can see that being a bit 'sporting'

I'll try and pop up on the 6th to say hello, ask stoopid question and generally get under your feet.
Cool. Might see you there 👍