Why do commuters ride with folded or no mirrors?

Why do commuters ride with folded or no mirrors?



Original Poster:

15,977 posts

212 months

Thursday 29th June 2023
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It's something that baffles me -- aren't wing mirrors imperative for awareness of surroundings, particularly in a complex urban traffic environment (such as London, where I live)?

Can anyone enlighten me into pros/cons or perhaps the mentality that informs this curious decision? It can't all be bad boy race rep-chic, shirley?!


4,496 posts

245 months

Thursday 29th June 2023
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bolidemichael said:
It's something that baffles me -- aren't wing mirrors imperative for awareness of surroundings, particularly in a complex urban traffic environment (such as London, where I live)?

Can anyone enlighten me into pros/cons or perhaps the mentality that informs this curious decision? It can't all be bad boy race rep-chic, shirley?!
Presumably wing mirrors restrict filtering a bit ?

My wife used to drive quite a bit in central London and always said it's a mistake to look in your mirrors, as once you start being influenced by what's behind/alongside you you'll never get anywhere smile


4,847 posts

154 months

Thursday 29th June 2023
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Surely it is about with minimisation? I used to cycle every day in the London rush hour, and found it easier riding a Brompton than an MTB, because of the difference in width. I expect same applies to powered bikes.


6,355 posts

226 months

Thursday 29th June 2023
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Yep, makes for easier filtering.


857 posts

199 months

Thursday 29th June 2023
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Filtering. To be honest I much prefer bikes with "bunny ears" mirrors that stick out no further than the width of the bars. The touring bikes with the mirrors stuck on the fairings are a pain.

Tribal Chestnut

3,001 posts

193 months

Thursday 29th June 2023
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Given where you live I’m genuinely surprised at the question. Filtering with static mirrors is a nuisance compared to those that can be folded properly.

Modern bikes are a bit crap in that respect, my FZ1 was ok, my 5PW R1 was brilliant.


1,225 posts

137 months

Thursday 29th June 2023
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I've seen it largely due to people filtering but I can't help but think if you're so close to the car you need to pull in your mirrors the gap is too small or your aim for the space isn't very good.

I don't fold my my mirrors in, generally have no problems (on a VFR800 coming down the A41 past swiss cottage where i need it most)


24,347 posts

241 months

Thursday 29th June 2023
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I'm probably not as gung ho as I used to be re filtering in London but I've never folded my mirrors.

Dispatch rider in the 80s on a GPz900R amongst others. Was one of the top earners at my company.......it became a competition hehe

If the two cars are positioned exactly opposite each other in the jam it may involve slowing to walking pace in order to jiggle your bars to make sure there's no contact but otherwise you're good to go.

I was following a chap on a fully faired large touring BMW complete with big panniers last week.

I came up behind him on my little Ducati Monster thinking that'd he'd slow me down.

Jams going out of town on the A316.

Boy! was I wrong. He was carving through the traffic at a pace that was getting me worried. He managed widths that I would have second guessed.

It was true artistry.


972 posts

111 months

Thursday 29th June 2023
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The mirrors on mine match the height of van mirrors and as they are generally wider than most cars it’s a double whammy when it comes to filtering through restricted space.. I fold mine in just as I reach the end of the A1M at borehamwood on every journey into London (am) because traffic is usually at a standstill and then pop them back out again when I get to Finchley rd where I can use bus lanes. I am aware, and probably more alert as a result, to the fact that I don’t have the visibility of what is behind me, but as the traffic isn’t moving at the same speed it isn’t an issue, and less of an issue than if my mirrors were reducing my ability to make progress. when traffic opens up a bit I’ll compensate by turning my head more frequently..


3,709 posts

242 months

Thursday 29th June 2023
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MDUBZ said:
The mirrors on mine match the height of van mirrors and as they are generally wider than most cars it’s a double whammy when it comes to filtering through restricted space.. I fold mine in just as I reach the end of the A1M at borehamwood on every journey into London (am) because traffic is usually at a standstill and then pop them back out again when I get to Finchley rd where I can use bus lanes. I am aware, and probably more alert as a result, to the fact that I don’t have the visibility of what is behind me, but as the traffic isn’t moving at the same speed it isn’t an issue, and less of an issue than if my mirrors were reducing my ability to make progress. when traffic opens up a bit I’ll compensate by turning my head more frequently..
How does turning you head more frequently compensate for not being able to see what is behind you? (I assume you are not an owl)


972 posts

111 months

Thursday 29th June 2023
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No exorcist style head turning required. I don't really care what is directly behind me tbh, if you position the bike to hinder the progress of others or risk being rear ended you're doing it wrong. I'm pretty sure my mirrors don't provide that view anyway due to the width of the rider. Even with mirrors you still need to look around and know where the space is incase you need an escape route.

If traffic is at a standstill it's single file for bikes anyway, you just keep pressing on, its not like you can let faster filterers through most of the time anyway, If you need to change lane in traffic, whether it's moving or not, then a shoulder check/life saver is good idea anyway mirror's or not.


857 posts

199 months

Friday 30th June 2023
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MDUBZ said:
No exorcist style head turning required. I don't really care what is directly behind me tbh, if you position the bike to hinder the progress of others or risk being rear ended you're doing it wrong. I'm pretty sure my mirrors don't provide that view anyway due to the width of the rider. Even with mirrors you still need to look around and know where the space is incase you need an escape route.

If traffic is at a standstill it's single file for bikes anyway, you just keep pressing on, its not like you can let faster filterers through most of the time anyway, If you need to change lane in traffic, whether it's moving or not, then a shoulder check/life saver is good idea anyway mirror's or not.
We must come down the same bit of road in the mornings, that bit down to Morrisons on the A1 is always backed up. If you see an old bloke with a single pannier on a Black SV give me a wave. Must say the SV is an easy filterer in that it is narrow, my V7 is more of a pain


2,280 posts

232 months

Friday 30th June 2023
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becasue some facist in the EU decided the wing mirros in cars/vans/lorries ought to be huge, a % of the vehcile i think
so even when there appears to be room there might not be, so mirors get folded in

some will say that if there isn't room with mirors out you shoudln't be filtering but there is if the mirrors weren't so bloody huge

role on the day when they are all cameras like top spec german cars/lorries


24,347 posts

241 months

Friday 30th June 2023
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The wing mirrors on my UK Mustang were huge thanks to that law, not at all like the svelte ones on the US spec.

Nearly voted Leave just for that alone hehe

(Voted remain btw)

Tribal Chestnut

3,001 posts

193 months

Friday 30th June 2023
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GSA_fattie said:
becasue some facist in the EU decided the wing mirros in cars/vans/lorries ought to be huge, a % of the vehcile i think
so even when there appears to be room there might not be, so mirors get folded in

some will say that if there isn't room with mirors out you shoudln't be filtering but there is if the mirrors weren't so bloody huge

role on the day when they are all cameras like top spec german cars/lorries
When I’m driving it the big mirrors on my truck are brilliant given the pointless rear view mirror, handy having leccy ones too so I can fold them in for you lot and they don’t get knocked.

As for ‘if you need to fold the mirrors in, the gap’s too small’, well, that’s b**locks really.